You have failed your challenge, they may be forfits when you get back.......I very much doubt youll be able to make it up in Asia but good luck trying and have a fab time - make sure you do lots of island hopping and sunbathing in Thailand for jealous I so want to go!!!! xxxx
Dad - you're the one saying they're highlights, not me! Although they were pretty amazing! Haha. LWe'll see if they get beaten by anything in Asia...! Also, well done on getting more clever - maybe me going away has had hidden benefits, like working on your IQ in order to send me messages!
Stu and Doug you're both very sad for coming on here to solve sums!
Shelly - I failed the challenge in Oz! I did see a Shelley Street at one point, but it was spelt wrong so I figured it didn't count! I'm still going to try for Asia for! x
Highlight (possibly) of your trip visiting neighbours and home and away?? How sad!
Happy Easter. Hope you are still enjoying yourself even now you are older.I'm getting clever now as I can solve the sum 1st time
Dad xx
I'm bored so I was doing a Doug and solving the sum!
your making me want to go on holiday!!!! pics look lovely, hope you had a good birthday!!! xxx
Nanny & Grandad
Glad to see you are having a great time - hope you enjoyed your birthday and didn't get too hung over.
Thanks for the birthday wish dad. Thank you Nanna and Grandad for your message. The typing was interesting! I'm sure you'll get better with time...!
Happy Birthday Fiona. Have a great day. Take care and enjoy.
Dad xx
love you fiona hope you are enjoying everthing longing toseeyouagain imagining me trying to use the computer happy birthday on the tewwenty fourth.grandad says keep your bow2els open!!!!!
I'm talking nanna through sending you a message! I have my computer on my lap and she has hers on her lap, lets see if it works!
Well with your maths degree I should bloody well hope so!