"What the hell am I doing, drinking in LA?"
Hi everyone! Here I am in what I was hoping to be Sunny LA, alas it is not. It rained all day yesterday. Today has been better, rather pleasant, but still no sun. However, tomorrow and Monday are meant to be much nicer, so I am holding out hope for that!
So, where was I last? Oh yes, I was in New York. I made it to the FAO Schwarz store that was featured in Big, and played the piano (I'm sure you have all seen the pictures by now!). So that was pretty exciting, and guess what, it didn't charge! I even got a clap from one of the guys that worked there for my rendition of The Entertainer! It is much harder than it looks, but also very fun! The flight over to LA from New York was great. The plane was only half full so the seats next to me were empty, so I was able to lie out and relax in comfort which was great - why can't all flights be like that?!
Yesterday I ended up going to the massive Beverley Hills mall, as it was raining so the walking tour of LA I was planning to take was cancelled. Then spent the afternoon just looking around a bit, and getting things done. In the evening I went on a pub crawl organised by the hostel, which means I have been very tired today! However, it was good, got chatting to a few people and was nice to get out and socialise.
Today, I was hoping the walking tour would be rescheduled as the weather was clearer, but it wasn't. So instead, myself and an Irish girl (Adrienne, I asked her name!) that I met this morning went wandering around LA. We ended up in a tattoo parlour (for her, not me, don't panic!) so that was a wonderfully random day! That's what is so great, not having to worry about anything else, you can do whatever you want to as and when you feel like it, there' s no limit on things.
So really, that has been my time so far in LA! The plan tomororw is to go back up to Hollywood Boulevard and take some photos as it should be nice and clear, and then in the late afternoon I'm going on a hike organised by the hostel up to Runyon Canyon to get some great views of Hollywood, and it should just be as the sun it setting which should be lovely.
As there is a cafe here where I can upload photos easily, I shall probably try and get my LA photos up on Tuesday before I fly out to New Zealand.
I think that is about all there is to report from this end really! Had some very annoying Brazilian roomates for my first two nights here who had no respect for others, especially when others are trying to sleep, but thankfully they left today and some nice Norweigans have moved in, and they seem like nicer people so hopefully I can get a good night's sleep for once!
Try not to miss me too much, as hard as I know it is! I'll be back once I actually have some stories to tell! I swear nothing overly interesting has actually happened since I left...!
ps. I know the photo for this blog isn't even in LA, but you have to choose a photo and apparently they don't have any for LA! You would have thought they'd at least have the Hollywood sign...
- comments
Philippa So glad to see you are behaving yourself in the family tradition... drinking!! Hope you are having a great time... Love you . Auntie Px
Fiona Hey, that was the first time I had had a drink since leaving, so give me some credit! Haha. Am enjoying myself thanks, am glad because it was finally sunny today! x