Jag har nu lamnat kaoset i BKK och hamnat pa on Koh Samui... Helt underbart! Har ar det sa himla lungt och fridfullt. Jag har en bungalow pa stranden i norra Koh Samui, tydligen den lugna delen av on. Det passar mig perfekt, skont att slippa det hektiska BKK men jag maste erkanna att de sista dagarna i BKK va riktigt trevliga nar man lart sig att undvika de flesta turistfallorna. Det ar ju en helt otrolig stad.
Jag har lagt till nagra kort fran BKK, internet ar segt har sa darfor det blev sa fa...
Nu sitter jag och slappar pa Koh Samui istallet, vilket passar mig mycket battre. Tyvar har vadret varit daligt har, med daligt betyder det 30+ och monligt. Jag har inte kunnat fixa solbrannan men man har kunnat vara ute hela dagarna istallet. Bada ar helt underbart aven om vattnet varit lite orolit pga av det daliga vadret. Jag fordriver dagarna for det mesta pa stranden med en cool snubbe fran alaska men jag har hyrt en vespa oxo som jag driver runt pa. Naturen ar helt otrolig har, lite som i LOST.
Jag vet inte vad man kan saga mer, tar det lungt och fordriver tid bara :)
Kan ju namna att maten ar helt otrolig god och till ett bra pris :)
Ska forsoka bryta mig ur mina dagliga rutiner och forsoka ga pa djungeltrekking nagon dag och se en krokodilshow kanske, jag hor av mig snart igen innan jag lamnar Samui for nasta o Koh Tao den 22:a
I have now left Bangkok and I'm spending my time currently on the island Koh Samuie... This place is a whole different world from BKK. It's nice calm, I'm staying at the north coast of the island wich is apperently the calm side and that suits me perfect. I have been on the west coast of the island and its more like BKK there, full of tourist and retailors.But the last days in BKK where realy nice when I learned how to escape the touristtrap, it is after all an amazing city!
I've uploaded a few pictures from BKK, the internet is so slooow here so I try to upload a few more next time.
So now I'm sitting on the beach in Koh Samui and killing time with a cool dude from alaska.. I have also rented a motorbike so I'm cruisin along the island as I want now... The nature here is amazing, reminds me of the tv-series LOST. The weather tough hasn't been good, bad weather here is apperently 30+ and cloudy... I haven't had a chanse to work on my tan but you can stay outdoors and swim nonstop without have to worry about the sun.
Thats how I spend my days here... Just chilling... and eating, the food here is amazing and cheap... I'm lovin it..
I will try to break out of my daily scedule and go on some jungletrekking some day and maybe see a crocodileshow or as they say here, cocodileshow..
I'll try to report again before I leave this island for the next island Koh Tao on the 22nd.
Take care! CAO
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