Hej allihopa!
Nu skriver jag forhoppningsvis mitt forsta inlagg... Har forsokt innan med det verkar vara daligt internet her sa datorn hakade upp sig... Det har varit jobbigt for mig att stalla om fran de olika tidzonerna... Men jag borjar ma battre nu...
Vad ska jag saga om mina forsta dagar i Bangkok... KAOS... Staden ar helt otrolig bade negativt och possitivt... Jag har gatt runt en massa och sett tempel, vackra byggnader och massa buddhastatyer... Samt blivit blast av tuk-tuk taxina men det tillhor val upplevelsen...
Jag ska aka soder ut nu for lite relaxasion... I BKK far man ingen relaxasion... Blir nog till on Koh Samui... Ska leta buss dit nu... Hor av mig nasta gang nar jag hittat bettre internet eller nar jag anlant till sodra thailand... Ska oxa forsoka lagga upp lite bilder nesta gang...
KRAM pa alla!!!
Hi everyone!
They have bad internet here so thats way I write first now and becouse of the time difference... I've been sleeping alot... But I'm feeling much better now... What to say about my first days in Bangkok... Its amazing for good and bad... Different from home :)
I have seeing alot of temples, beutiful buildings and a lot of buddha statues... And I have got tricked, hassled by the tuk-tuk taxis around in town but I guess its part of the experience...
I hope I will leave to south thailand today... Looking for a bus to the islanf Koh Samui now... I will write again when I reach my destination and I will try to write more often. Hopefully next time I can upload some pictures as well...
Take care everyone! Lots of hugs!
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