Som ni kanske redan vet sa har jag gjort mitt forsta bungy jump! Det va helt otroligt! Vilken kick! Det enda trakiga va att det va over pa nagra sekunder bara... Kanske blir fler hopp om vadret tillater ;)
Det hela borjade med en fantastik morgon, inte ett moln pa himlen och runt 15 grader. Jag gick ner till receptionen och bokade ett hopp. 1,5 timma senare stod jag vid kanten och tittade ut over den vackra Waikato floden som va 47m nedanfor mig. Sedan va det bara att ta ett djup andetag och hoppa... Hemligheten ar att inte tanka :)
Pa vag ner sa slar det en precis vad man har gjort och en spannande kansla dyker upp i magen, man ser allt bara susa forbi och i nasta ogonblick kanner man hur repet dras at och man flyger upp igen. Efter nagra studsar nar man inte langre vet vad som ar upp och ner sa utbrister man i ett gladjefnatt och man kanner en lattnad over att man overlevt. Helt fantastiskt! Underbar kick! Det enda trakiga ar att det ar over pa nagra sekunder...
Som ni forstar va detta hojdpunkten men jag har hunnit med att vandra i den underbara naturen har i NZ och det ar verkligen fantastiskt vackert! Idag fick jag uppleva sno for forsta gangen detta ar nar jag va och vandrade i Tongoriro National Park. Jag har sett vulkanen Mt Doom dar "Hobbit Frodo" raddade manniskorna fran de onda "Orks" som skulle forslava oss. Sagan om Ringen filmerna utspelar sig namligen har i NZ och vill ni se det jag upplever sa titta pa naturen i de filmerna.
Jag ville ta mig upp till vulkanen och vandra dar en hel dag men tyvar ar det omradet avstangt pga det daliga vadret sa vi far se vad jag gor nu. Vi hors snart igen i alla fall!
Ha det bast alla och go and BUNGY! CAO
As you may know I have done my first bungy jump! It was amazing! What a kick! The only bad thing is that it was over way to quick... Maybe there will be more jumps in the future ;)
It all started with a beautiful day, not a cloud on the sky and around 15 degres. I went down to the reception to book a jump. 1,5 hour later I was standing on the eadge and looking out on the beautiful Waikato river that was 47m below me. Then it was just to take a deep breath and jump... The secret is not to think :)
On the way down it hits you what you have done and a exciting emotions comes over you, everything just flashes by and the next moment you feel the rope tightening and you fly up again. After a few bounces when you dont know whats up or down anymore a big smile comes on to your lips and you have that smile all day. Amazing! To bad it's all over in a few secunds...
As you understand that was my highlight but I have also been trekking in the beautiful nature here in NZ and it is really beautiful! Today I felt snow for the first time this year when I was walking in Tongoriro National Park. I have also seen the vulcano Mt Doom where the "Hobbit Frodo" saved the human rase from the evil "orks". The Lord of the Ring movies arer filmed here in NZ and if you want to see more of the beautiful nature here take a look at the movies becouse it is like in the movies.
I wanted to do a one day trekk to the top of Mt Doom but the weather is so bad there that that area is closed for now so will see what I do now. I'll write soon again in any way!
Take care everyone and go and BUNGY! CAO
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