Jag har tillbringat tva dagar har i Rotorua, stallet som luktar som daliga agg... Det va tva dagar med mycket regn tyvar men jag fick se lite riktigt coola grejer. Jag tillbringade min tid med att vandra runt och hapnas av all den underjordiska aktivitet som kom upp till ytan genom olika varmvatten kallor (tror de heter sa) samt att kopa lite varmare klader.
Det ar vintertid har nu sa det blir inte varmare an 15 grader pa en bra dag och vi ar just nu i borjan pa vintern sa det ar bara att vanta kallare tider under mina 4 aterstaende veckor har i NZ. Tyvar kan jag inte uppfylla mitt nyarslofte "med ett vinterfritt 2009" men nu vet ni vad mitt 2010 lofte blir...
Staden luktar daliga agg for att det ar sa manga varma kallor runt om i staden och att vandra runt i staden och helt plotsligt se anga stiga upp ur marken ar en marklig kansla och det far en fundera lite pa hur fantastisk jorden ar faktist. Jag kan erkanna att for varje dag som har gatt pa min resa sa har jag blivit mer och mer medveten om hur viktigt det ar att man tar hand om naturen runt omkring oss. Jag har sett stallen dar manniskan har forstort naturen helt och jag har upplevt positiva stallen som har i NZ och i Australien dar manniskan gor allt for att gora ett sa litet avtryck pa naturen.
Det imponerande med dessa varma kallor ar ju att de ar ett hal rakt ner i jorden, alltsa mot jorden karna aven om det ar en lang, lang bit ner mot jordens karna sa ar det en fasinerande tanke. Innan det fanns spa sa brukade folk badade i dessa kallor for deras lakande och valbefinnande kansla de gav.
Nu hoppas vi pa lite sol de narmaste dagarna! Vi hors fran Taupo igen, som sags vara omringat av vacker natur. CAO
I have spent two days in Rotorua, the place that smells like bad eggs... It was two days with a lot of rain unfortunetly but I got to see some cool stuff. I spent my time walking around and being amazed by all the hot water springs that exist in town and shopping some warmer clothes.
It's winter time here now and it doesen't get warmer then 15 degrees on a good day but we are only in the beginning of the winter so I can excpect colder weather during my remaining 4 weeks here. Unfortunetley I can't fullfill my new years resulution this year "of a winter free 2009" but now you know what my next one will be :)
The city smells like bad eggs becouse of all the hot springs around the city. It's cool to see smoke come up from the ground when you walk around the city. It makes you think about how fantastic the earth is! I'm becoming more and more a friend of the earth on this trip... It's cool to be in a place as NZ that cares so much about the nature and tries to care of it as much as possible.
The impressive thing with these hot springs is that they are actually a whole right down the earth, towards the earth centre eventough it's a far way down to the centre. Before we had beauty spa's people used to bath in these hot springs for theirs healing power and good feeling they gave.
Now I'm hopping for a little sun the next coming days! I'll write from Taupo again... CAO
ps. I have a cool picture of my backpack for ya' that haven't seen it :)
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