L.A Baby!
Jag ar nu mojligheternasland, frihetensland... "Om du jobbar tillrackligt hart sa kommer du att bli nagon"... klyschornasland... Jag ar i ett otroligt land men jag vet inte om det ar positivt eller negativt menat... USA gor mig forvirrad, du ser det basta av bada varldar. Rikedom och fattigdom... i vilket fall sa ar det otroligt har, precis som i alla filmer...
Jag landade i L.A och kastades direkt in i overkligheten. Flygplatsen va jatte modern med over 30 bas for passkontroll och folk bara strommade igenom dessa. De tog ett kort pa mig, stallde over 20 fragor och tog mina fingeravtryck pa bada handerna och hela tiden kandes det som att jag va med i nagon film. Allt runt omkring mig va sa surrealistiskt, vet ej om det beror pa att jag spenderat senaste manaden pa avlagsna oar utan civilisation men USA ar INTE som Europa!
Tog bussen mot mitt hostel som lag i omradet Santa Monica vilket ar ett glassigt stalle (valdig fint). De forsta tva amerikanerna jag stotte pa va tva rappande afro-amerikaner med for stora klader pa sig som hoppade pa bussen och de pratar exakt som i alla filmer man sett. Sedan hoppade en massa Michael Jackson fans pa och nastan alla grat och spelade hans musik... Jag hade annu svarare att forsta om detta va pa riktigt eller pa film.
Hahaha... Nu vet jag att det ar det normala livet i L.A...
Sjalva staden L.A ar for stor! Den ar enorm! Jag akte buss i 1,5h for att ta mig fran ganska centralt till centralt! Denna tur i L.A hann jag besoka Santa Monica, Venice Beach och Hollywood. Jag ska tillbaka till L.A och besoka lite fler stallen langre fram. Santa Monica och Venice Beach ar skona kustomraden. I Venice Beach har varldens basta film spelats in, White man Can't Jump. Folk spelar fortfarande basket pa de planerna och basketen ar helt otroligt bra! Hollywood ar Hollywood, en freakshow! Valdigt intressant att se skylten fran distans och alla dessa stjarnor pa marken men det ar fullt med turister, imitatorer och folk som forsoker salja dig turer till olika kandisar hem... Inget av detta lockade mig direkt... Det blir mer aventyr langre fram, da ska jag forhoppningsvis till Beverly Hills och Downtown L.A...
Nu ar det San Diego som galler!!!
L.A Baby!
I'm now in the land of oppertunities... The land of the free... "If work hard enough you will achieve greatnes"... The land of the cliche's... I'm in a unbeliveable country! Don't know if it's in a good way or bad way... I get confused by USA, you see the best of both worlds. Riches and poverty... in any way it's unbeliveable here! Just like you seen on all the movies!
I landed in L.A and got thrown directly in to the unreal. The airport is super-modern with over 30 passport counters and people keept filling up these counters non-stop! At the counter the photographed me, asked my over 20 questions and took my fingerprints on both hands... unreal... Felt like I was in a movie all the time... Everything around me felt so sureal, don't know if it's because I spent the last 3 weeks on some deserted islands but all I know is that USA is NOT like Europe!
I took the bus to my hostel in Santa Monica, a nice area. My first encounter with americans was these two rapping afro-americans with to big clothes on them that got on the bus and they talk exactly like they do on the movies. The next people that got on the bus where Micheal Jackson fans and they where all crying and playing his music on the bus. This made me think even more if I was in a movie or if this was real...
Now I know that this is normal life in L.A... hahaha...
The city of L.A is to big, it's HUGE! I went on a bus for 1,5h to get from pretty central to central... This trip in L.A I visited the areas Santa Monica, Venice Beach and Hollywood. I'll be back in L.A at the end of this week again. Santa Monica and Venice beach are nice, pretty coastal areas. The greatest movie ever was recorded in Venice Beach, White Man can't Jump. People are still playing on these legendary qourts and the basketball is incredibly good!
Hollywood is Hollywood, a freakshow! It's intresting to see the big hollywoodsign from far and all thee stars on the ground with famous people on them but it's overcrowded with turist, people doing imitations and others trying to sell you tours to celeberty houses. Nothing of this really interested me... There will be more adventures in L.A soon again, hopefully I will visit Beverly Hills and Downtown L.A...
Now it's San Diego on the map!
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