Washington, USA's huvudstad och kanske varldens ocksa...
Jag maste saga att jag ar valdigt imponerad av denna stad. Det ar en valdigt vacker stad med otroligt manga vackra byggnader och monument! Det ar ocksa dar Mr.Obama bor vilket ar cool, jag har dragits med i hypen kring Obama vilket ar roligt... Jag maste saga att det basta med denna stad ar alla Museum som ar GRATIS! Kan ni tanka er? GRATIS museum i USA!? Dessa museum ar helt otroliga ocksa! Mina 3 dagar har har bestatt av att vandra upp och ner for "The Mall" och besoka museum, monument och olika politiska byggnader...
Jag har sett den riktiga Apollo 11 farkosten som landade pa manen, den har de pa "Smithsonians Flyg&Rymd museum"... Dar har de massa olika orginal rymdartiklar sa som den ryska dockan "Ivan Ivanovich" sa akte ut i rymden for att testa om rymddrakten fungerade okej... Jag har sett en av President Lincoln's orginal hattar i museet "American History"... Dessutom sett det viktigaste dokumentet i amerikansk historia! "The declaration of Independence"... Detta va ocksa en otrolig upplevelse... Sedan har jag sprungit mellan monument och byggnader...
Jag fick dock inte komma in i Vita Huset... De trodde inte pa att jag va en diplomat fran Makedonien...
Jag har haft det riktigt bra har i Washington trots att mitt minneskort forstordes... Det ar en intressant, vacker stad och man kan nastan kanna historian nar man gar bland alla dessa byggnader...
Washington, The capital of USA and maybe the worlds aswell...
I must say that I'm very impressed by this city. It is a very beautiful city which is full of beautiful buildings and monuments! It's also the where Mr. Obama lives which is cool, I've been taken in the whole hype around Obama which is fun... The best thing about the city is that all the museums are free! Can you imagine? Free museums in the USA!? And these museums are incredible! In my 3 days here I've been walking around all these museums, monuments and important buildings...
I've seen the original Apollo 11 that landed on the moon in the "Smithsonian Air&Space museum"... They have alot of original flight and space articles there. Like the russian doll "Ivan Ivanovich" that was sent to space to try if the spacesuit would function correctly... I've seen one of President Lincoln's original hats in the "American History museum"... I've also seen the most important document in the american history! "The decleration of Independence"... This was also a incredible experience... Rest of the time I've spent running around all these monuments here...
They didn't allow me to enter the White House though... They didn't belive that I was a diplomat from Macedonia...
My time here has been really good even though my memorycard crashed here... Washington is a interesting, beautiful city and you can almost feel the history while you walk along all these monuments...
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