Efter en dag av rundvandring i den lilla staden av Flagstaff sa bar det av mot Grand Canyon... Vilket stalle!!! Det va helt otroligt!!! Gav betydelse till uttrycket "Allt ar storre i USA"... Det gick inte riktigt att greppa och forsta hur stor Grand Canyon riktigt ar!
Landskapat i Grand Canyon ar helt otroligt! Alla berg och dalar ar fantastiska och dar star jag pa toppen med fantastisk uppsyn over detta fantastiska stalle... Jag kande mig valdigt liten samtidigt valdigt stor det ogonblicket... De tror att Grand Canyon ar runt 2,5 miljarder ar gammalt och att det skapats av havet som en gang kom sa langt in over Usa's vastkust men de vet inte till hundra hur alla dalar har skapats har...
Jag ska forsoka lagga upp bilder sa fort som mojligt nu...
After a day of walking in the small town of Flagstaff it was time to head out to the Grand Canyon... What a place!!! Amazing!!! It gave a meaning to the expression "everything is bigger in America"... It was impossible to really understand just how big this place is!
The surroundings in the canyon with all the valleys and mountains is fantastic and there I was on the top and looking out on this amazing place... I felt very small and at the same time very big in that moment... They think that the Grand Canyon is about 2,5 bilions year old and that it was the ocean that created all the valleys in the canyon but they are not completely sure how this amazing place was created...
I'll try to upload my pictures as soon as possible...
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