I've been holding back... But no more.... Was watching the krud/ abbot debate on tv tonight.... Okay okay... I don't know why either...
Seriously krud.... Flogging a deadhorse re Qld premier Newman and secret agenda to put people outa work.... One current ALP minister changed a piece of legislation to save a couple of hundred maritime job for the unions members.... But alas, that change drove up domestic freight/ charter costs and now resources and petroleum companies are shutting down projects as the freight increases broke the project/ facilities viability level... And thousands of jobs have been lost and more are to going...
Sorry krud, while i normally agree with Qlders... If u talks $4*+ and it starts to dribble off your chin... You normally get bitten on the arse!!! Watch out!'
And abbot... Geez mate give your religious beliefs a back seat.. PM are not running a church!!! Your in parliament U can affect changes... Give pollies a conscious vote on gay marriage... Stop being a discriminatory zelot!!!! Do you need to be reminded of recent church scandals? Seems tolerance is not one of the church' strong points!!!
I am straight and proud , if gays wanna marry.. Good on em!! No skin off my back, and not gonna affect me!
Modern-up!! politicians!!! this country may have catholic foundations but really it is in a multicultural society collectively called Australians... To quote the okha way..."fair go!"
Rant over!!!
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