Firstly thanks for the kind messages they really are a comfort and will help me along my way when days are not as easy as this.
This place is so nice but I have to leave soon before I become a resident! The pace of life is like no other I have experienced, the vibe here is people turn up intending to stay a few days and get drawn in to it's magical atmosphere and find it difficult to move on. There was an Indian ska band on last night in one of the bars which was quite surreal.
After a quiet week of complete tranquility I am going north to Thrissur on thursday and looking forward to getting back to the real India like the insane roads and noise and hustle and bustle of the local life which still despite it's frenetic way the people are equally as friendly as they are here in Varkala.
Read some Nietzsche today, reading deep is so wonderful it allows you to a appreciate the simple things and laugh at absurdities that is all around like the genius humour of Pete and Dud.
Having dinner with my hosts this evening cooked by the resident chef who will join us, we are having tuna curry.
I saw a man today with no legs and only 1 arm, despite this he was still smiling.
Why not today smell a Rose, smile at a stranger or just look up at the sky and wonder.
It takes guts to be gentle and kind.
- comments
Yas Aaaah reminds me of lyrics from a Smiths song.."It's so easy to laugh, it's so easy to takes guts to be gentle and kind"... Keep on keeping on Ferg... ;-)
joe Ferg, I've e-mailed you. It takes guts to be gentle and kind. Love that. Stay free, comrade