Bargains!!! 2 levi jeans for $80 (plus tax). Got two pairs
Of Rockport shoes, underwear, socks (to replace the ones they cut to get to my ankle) and shirts! Brenton even found a pair of CK jeans in his size. He was a bit down about the trip so it was good to go have a look. I could certainly get used to this being pushed around malarkey! Hehe who needs a working ankle! I forgot to say on the way home I decided to double guess google maps with some interesting results. I think I can now say we have driven through LA's ghetto!! The street was a bit run down and there seemed to be a bail bonds store on every corner! I started singing the theme to COPS much to Brenton's horror. It was 4pm though so I didn't feel unsafe! We made it home with our hubcaps still intact!
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