Hey guys,
I'm now in Byron Bay which is amazing. Definately the best place so far :) We arrived here last Friday night and so far we are booked in for a week but who knows...I think we want to try and stay for a few extra days.
We arrived late on Friday night so didn't really see a lot apart from our hostel which is nothing like we've stayed in before-it reminds me of a log cabin but filled with bunk beds! We have an awsome bar which is really cheap (thank god) and its in the middle of town which is handy but not really necessary as Byron is smaller than I imagined it would be.
On our first day here we headed to the beach which was amazing. I don't know if you guys have heard but there's been a cyclone heading it's way towards us and the waves on Saturday were definately showing this! They were MASSIVE! I tried to go in the sea to cool off a bit but the under current was so strong I ran out again ha. That night we went out with a couple of girls we're sharing a room with, they're both really nice-Emma and Sarah. I had my first snakebite (the drink, dont panic!) out here which made me very happy I had four at once!
Sunday was spent by the pool at our hostel, anyone who knows me well knows that I am a pool girl at heart so this was a very good day for me :) The afternoon clouded over a bit but it was still lovely and hot.
On Monday we went on our first organised trip to Nimbin...for those who dont know google it! Very weird..very trippy but very funny! We had a bbq and then went to a waterfall and I was a very brave girl and was the only one out of the four of us girls that jumped from a ledge at the top! It was terrifying but will follow! We were shattered after a full day out so went out for dinner...this was a luxury for us as we have been being good trying to save money by making our own dinners and the hostel we're staying in at the moment does a free dinner woo! Nothing special though so I treated myself to steak as I had heard that they're the best in the world and it was soooooo good!!
Which brings me to today! Well I've had a pretty eventful day so far. I didn't sleep well last night as it was swealtering, it's been hot every night here but last night was unbelievable! We figured out why this morning when we were woken up at 6am by terrenchal (? dodgy spelling perhaps but you get what I mean) rain. The rain went on for hours! Our roof started leaking, the roads were flooded, Sj was in an internet cafe and the roof collapsed-all very dramatic! We had the tail end of the cyclone weather hitting us! The water was up to peoples knees it was unreal. Thankfully the rain stopped around midday and the sun is now blazing hot. Me and Sj took the opportunity to go to the cinema whilst things were drying out and saw the rebound-brilliant film if no one's seen it.
We've just booked our trip to fraiser island and the whitsunday sailing so we're very excited and are heading out to a coyote bar for the night to celebrate..tomorrows early morning skype convo with Mum and Dad will be interesting! By the time I speak to Jonny after I'm hoping I'll be a bit more awake!
I'm already a quarter of the way through my trip, it's gone so quickly but at the same time it feels like ages since I was home. I'm having a brilliant time but I am really looking forward to coming home! I miss Jonny too much! (I know I know, Yuk :) ) I'm a bit worried I might end up leaving Sj here though, she really doesn't want to come back, she's such a traveller now! She'll be planning her next trip before we even get back! You all might have to put up with me once I'm back though ;)
Anyway, I hope everyone's well. I hear the weather is warming up at long last for you all.
Lots of love, missing you all xxxxx
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