Quick update...
Carla got her tattoo...cant put the video of it on here coz its too big so may try facebook...last resort will be bebo!! anyways we bought her the tatt for her bday and she didnt think it hurt at all only the colouring in bit and only a bit, i saw no blood, no screaming..thoroughly disappointed!! Carlas bday tomorrow so everyone has to say happy bday to her her blog is were going to the cuban bar tomorrow night for a lot of drinking, salsa dancing (not for imogen who fell down the stairs on mon night and tore her ligament!!!) and live music only to then hop on a 10 hour coach journey down to cuenca to see the rest of the crew for the weekend!!
had to change a bit of my last blog if ur interested as i keep leaving chunks out!! and fajar i do apologise for the bad spelling and spanish words but sometimes putting a spanish word in is easier, you should hear us talking its awful!!!
love you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ps. im going to columbia for 2 weeks at the beginning of july :) maccu pichus booked for july 30th for 5 days then lake titicaca, boliviar and argentina!! prob gunna fly home on august 29th to then go to kavos on september 1st...can u tell i dont like england?!
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