Its my second to last day and i cant believe it. I am finally coming home to england after 5 months. It is such an odd thought. Oh well. I have to admit i really dont want to leave, but i guess i have to go home at some point! Anyway, i thought i better actually finish everything on this blog and make this my final one of the many i have written.
Going back to where i was last, Puerto Iguazu. Here was so much fun and the falls were amazing. We even went to Brazil for the day, sadly not getting a brasilian stamp, not quite to sure how that happened...howevever we were all very annoyed for going all that way and having no proof of it! The Brasilian side for mer had to be the better of the 2 days, even though the actual view of the falls were better from Argentina. Here was a fantastic day, we even went in a rib to go up really close to the falls, in the process getting soaking wet, but so worth it. It was truly incredible. Also we walked right past the falls, standing about 2 meters away from the water crashing down.
Having been to the falls, both in Argentina and in Brasil, we as a 6 headed down to Buenos Aires, where i have been for the last 2 weeks, having a great time, probably spent far to much money on new clothes yesturday i bought an amazing handbag!) and going out in the evenings alot. The party atosphere is definatly here! Also we have been enjoying some very good beef and surprisingly enough i have done some exercise. This has consisted of cycling around BA on a lovely orange coloured bike, once last sunday and also yesturday, when we decided to be adventurous and hire a tandom. I have to say, it is a very unerving feeling to be driven on a bike, where you have no say in which dierrection you are going to go!
Sadly for me, i have had to say goodbye to both Hannah and Gemander, and i am now the last one in South America from the original 4 girls who started travelling together..very sad. And what has made it worse, i have been stayin g here with the 3 boys, by myself, having now to stick up for myself. They are soemtime the most infuriating people i have ever met! grrr. Oh well, i am now going to be left by myself for a night, as yesturday, tom finally made a decision about where he was going to go travelling, and chris and will head back to bolivia, to carry on their travels.
And then there is me, who will be taking a flight tomorrow evening to come all the way back to england. I will be back on monday afternoon, and the best thing i am looking forward to s my own bed with a duvet and soe really good home cooked food!
I have had an amazing time travelling and i am so glad that i did it. I well be back out here in no time at all, and if there is someone who is coming out to south america in the near future, give me a shout and i will be out here v quickly.
All my love t everyone and i will see you back in england xxxx
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