So here is my first attempt at updating my blog. Has been a pretty hectic couple of days trying to sort myself out and adjust to the time zone. Have been waking up very early in the morning and then am unable to get back to sleep.
The flight out here went ok after an initial 3 hour delay because they couldn't get the emergncy lighting to work. After watching Juno i managed to get a few hours sleep and the food was just about edible.
I managed to find my way to the hostel prety easily and checked in without any problems. I decided that I would just try and stay awake for as long as possible so that i could and get over the jet lag quickly. I went for a walk around where the hostel is and ventured to tiananmen square for a bit but then had to head off in search for a place to eat. This was pretty difficult as i had no idea where to go or even what to order, luckily some chinese girls come up and started chatting to me so i asked them where to go to eat and they showed me a little noodle bar and even ordered for me! I then ventured onto the subway to get back to the hosteland i was very easy to use and a lot nicer than the tube. After a nap i went out for some dinner and then headed back to the hostel t sleep at the crazy late time of 9 as i was so tired!
After waking up at 4.30 the next morning i lazed about in the hostel for a while befre going back to bed and sleeping till 12. I then had to check out and back in again as i was meeting up with my group for the roam china tour, this meant i checked out of my hostel room with 6 beds and comunal showers and am now in a 2 bed room with its own bathroom with a guy called andy who is on the same tour. In the afernon i went out to try and get a look at the olympic stadiums but there was construction work going on all around it so I couldnt get very close at all. All i managed to get were a few photos from quite far away and i will try and upload those in the next few days.
I meet the rest of the group in the evening and after a meeting we went out for a banquet dinner which was great and was so nice to have somoene ordering food for us. We then came back to the hostel and played some cards before heading to bed.
Today i think a couple of us are going to head to the sumer palace to see that and then go and see the kung fu show in the evening. On sunday we have a tour around tiananmen square booked and then on Monday morning we get a coach to the great wall for a walk along it.
I will try and keep you updated with how it all goes when i get a chance. Hope you are all well and missing me!!
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