Hey there!!Sorry for not filling in my travel blog but its been so hectic that i havent had ANY opportunity to fill in! One thing I have to say is I didnt realsie how much travelling you do on a bus. Woke up at half seven this morning and Ive been travelling for over 11 hours today!!On Sunday, September the 6th, we arrived at a beautiful beach called Sihaniunoukville but unfortunately for the group we happened to get there during the biggest monsoon ever. I have never seen so much rain, it was so cool that i had to run outside a few times! Took us the whole entire day just to get there plus we got stuck on a bus for hours because the bus couldn't go any further due to the severe flooding. On my god, ths was something else. There was me expecting a little stream in teh middle of the road but it was seriously knee depth. i didnt know what was in teh water but after being on teh bus, it was our only way out was to wade through the waters to get a boat. Yes, we had to get on a BOAT, this tiny wooden shaft that carried loads of the local people as well as some of the group. It was pure panic moments to get on the first boat but it was literally packed that there was no way i was getting on the bus!!I wasnt risking my life, thank you very much!! As if we would have been covered with our insurance, yes you willingly went on a boat in a middle of the monsoon season. This was one boat trip that i will not forget even though it lasted a few minutes...The boat was rocky to begin with but after that, it was fine to the other end. The other boat got the worst, their boat had a hole in it!!it was filling up so quickly that had to bell out the water with small buckets!It was some experience but it was exciting in a weird way if i say so myself!!
Finally, we got to the beach around 7 in the evening where we had a meal alongside the beach. I just stood there btrying to mesmorise thsi moment.It was raining heavily some of the group decided to go for a swim around 11 at night. Sophia and Annie ran in first, leaving me, Rob, Mark, Caz, Katie, Gerwan, Wallis just looking at them saying, "We want to join them!!"Moments later, I was on. It was the best feeling ever swimming in the lovely warm water and best of all, it started to rain!!Next day,we had such a relaxing day where I had a body oil massage for one hour which was utter bliss, pure heaven. I didnt say a word!!!Then we had a lovely dinner at the hotel, this time i went for a cheese burger and chips. Ive had enough of the Asian food. Later that night, we went out for a few drinks to experience the night life!!
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