Today we left zlatibor for Sarajevo. The drive was about 2 hours long but in general everything was OK. As we drove into Sarajevo it was really weird as it was only a 5 minute drive to get to the mountains from the centre of the city. When we were driving in like the rest of Bosnia the houses had shrapnel marks on the exteriors. Sarajevo had been under siege for most of he war. Around 11500 people had been killed by the Serbs incessant bombing from the surrounding hills of the city. There were also snipers so people were afraid to leave there home. When we got into Sarajevo we tried to find our hotel. When we got into the lobby you immediately knew that it was really posh. It was sort of a city gym with 15 really nice rooms at the top of the hotel. We then went out and walked to the shopping centre. After we had got in and looked around I realised that this was the wrong shopping centre! I told mum so we had to walk 10 minutes to get to the other one. This shopping centre immediately looked much nicer it had a sleek outside and when we got in it looked much more modern. Thankfully for me there was both a nike and an adidas at this place so I had a look around. Nike was unbelievably expensive and it cost like £40 for 1 t-shirt! When I looked in adidas there wasn't much gym stuff. Right next to Nike and adidas however there was a shop similar to sports direct where they had a really nice Nike black tshirt to I got that and it only cost 30 so I had some money left. I had a look around the shops and in adidas I found a really nice blue coloured tshirt that stood out as soon as I found it. Dad very kindly lent me the extra bit of money it cost. A very successful shopping trip overall! We then went back to the hotel to
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