Looks like you are having a fanastic time. You will not want to come back. Enjoy and how much chocolate did you really buy???
Leslie Johnston
wow sounds like you loved Paris and want to return one day. Did not know there was a Disneyland there sounds like matt went back to his childhood and no photo's of chocolate i'm impressed.
Leslie Johnston
I now have fat eyes from looking at all the chocolate.
Louise & Gary Rolph
wow - all that chocolate. You'll never want to see chocolate again when you get home. :-) Have fun.
Tracey Turner
WOW Leanne, you are really doing and seeing alot.Especially liked the photos of Pompeii, I would have thought they were silly rocks too!! Keep up with the photos.
Les Johnston
Just checked out your photo's and blog sounds like you will come back fat and religious. I hope you did the romantic thing and rode the gondola while supping on some sort of chocolate and put a lock of love on the bridge
Leslie Johnston
The blog and photo's are great it's like being there with you (you would love that) it will be interesting to see how this will change the way you do things when you come home.
Now you see why people come here for our beaches and way of life style.
Keep on enjoying eat drink and be merry.
Leslie Johnston
Pisa looks and sounds great with all the walking and riding you are doing no wonder you are eating so much (envy) but why not try some of the best food in the world.
Jen C
Thanks for all your updates Leanne, they are so good to receive. Glad you're having an amazing time, it's been worth all that saving and planning. Stay safe and enjoy.
Leslie Johnston
The Isl of Capri looks very beautiful bet it's nicer than the photos, looking forward to your next stop and could you bring me home just one of those tinny tiny cars that would be great.
Louise & Gary Rolph
just read you blog. sounds like fun. Enjoy!!
Leslie Johnston
I have just read your blog and checked out the all the photo's they are great.
your blogging skills are just fine keep them coming its like i'm there with you (perish the though) keep on enjoying and buy matt a new tshirt.
love dad