The Daily Ju and Rach - we are currently both present for the writing of this
we are sitting in our hostel right now called the gothic point.... we WERE going to stay at mambo tango but last minute voted on this one. which has been a good decision (one point for ju for the suggestion) the dealbreaker was that this hostel had cubicle-like spaces for the 14 person room but unfortunately we got put in a room with 6 bunk beds (12 person room) and no cubes.
ju had high expectations to make friends.... this is ALL she talked about from stockholm to barcelona (hey rach! think of all the new friends we´re going to meet! hostels is where you meet people! everyone knows that! response....umm yeah just dont get your hopes up just in case) so first night .. we had the fat italians in our room. girl and guy. and they were conversing in italian to each other however the girl did toss out some english to her husband once when she felt the need to say "God wants me to rest" - we figured that was our clue to either shut the lights out or leave. so we headed out to walk the streets of barcelona! found a good fajita place that was pretty cheap and then ahd a couple drinks in an irish bar. the problem came when ju had the genius idea (which i agreed with for some ODD ODD REASON AT THE TIME!)
this requires it´s own paragraph and title..."how to save money"
soooo we check in, rent ONE towel for the both of us for 2 euro beacsue we dont think we can afford to rent two towels for that price....which we would have gotten for three days, rent 2 locks for our suitcase lockers (great buy), and i turn down the blanket option at 3 euros a piece - a one-time fee that will give us blankets for three rach agrees, we go out, grab some drinks, saved a few euro on the blankets, i´m feeling good, i tell rach "we can use coats just like the time i did in england!!!" so we get back to the hostel (which off the topic we had two netherland guys there as well and the lights were on at one a.m. when we got in!?! random) i grab a coat for myself and rach doesn´t know this and just thinks we´re all going to bed without anything because her locker was next to the netherlanders and didn´t want to wake them up! so after she wakes up from her initial sleep three hours later she´s soooo freezing in her tshirt and shorts that she tosses her stretched out jeans back on over top of her shorts and lies face down in the bed to keep in the warmth...leaning to her side would allow to much surface area to be touched by the cold. meanwhile i´m n the top bunk snoozing away curled up under my men´s detroit red wings jacket that is meant to be a gift. the best part about this "saving money" was the next day we´re walking down the street and rach comes to a halt and yells "ju!!!" looking in a shop window and sees Holland country underwear, and she goes "how much do you think they are!´" and i say "it doesn´t matter!!!!" so we got swindled and paid 10 euro EACH for our orange "one size fits all" Holland underwear.
not to mention .... that day we also ended up "splurging" for our blankets! i was not going to have another sleep with no blanket. so we finally meet some friends and go to the bar for a couple drinks with them that night. then we get home to our pre rented blankets where we realize.....ju´s is no longer on her bed!?!?! WHAT!?!? we got them before we left! and mine was there. however when we got them... we were lucky and got the striped green and one blue. aka blue for my eyes and green for julies - so we knew very well what her blanket looked like. we realized there was a new girl in our room who we coined as "the blanket stealer" we figured it had to be her. she didn´t even use it to cover up with but we spotted the same looking blanket on her pillow under her head. we know she had to steal it. so once again.... ju now comes down to my bed laughing uncontrollably. but we have 6 other people in there so we are trying to be quiet. (we also decided we liked the fat italians that night because they also went out drinking and got in right after us. they were noisy anyone noiser then us is awesmoe. we are actually really quiet and had our pjs set out ahead of time) so now ju has to sleep in my single bed with me... head to toe to share our one blanket.
we´re doing laundry right now so we have to run - we´ve been sight seeing here, and we´re going out right after laundry. our favourite thing is the segrada familia castle which is in the picture - but it´s taken over a hundred years to build and it´s still in the works, for another possible 20 years. it´s huge and you can hardley fathom the architecture and the design of the building...we´ve been eating ice cream every day, multiple times a day.
time to get going! p.s. the blanket stealer is on the computer behind us and she has been hogging the free internet for about 3 hours!!! she doesn´t understand hostel guidelines we have to go tell the front desk about the blanket incident and hope we don´t have to splurge for another one
peace out yo
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