The Daily Ju - From Paris, France
rach, brookie, and i are currently mid way through a bus tour of paris -- last night brooke got in and met us at our hotel in france after a tour from germany....but things are starting to get good here!
the NHL hockey games were amazing, and we've been meeting so many new people. it's nice to have a friend who runs a bar because we got in to the bar right away and even had some nice, free drinks. the sales staff of the anaheim ducks were at the bar with us, so we had some drinks with them and being very diplomatic ;) we saw them at the games the next day - which we saw only two periods because rach couldn't decide what outfit to wear for a good hour...
brookie has been giving us a good laugh though - she's been speaking english to everyone, tried to order an "agua" at a cafe (and for those of you that don't know, that's spanish for water) and the first people she spoke a word of french to were the japanese business men on our elevater...sigh...we're resting up good here in paris because we've heard oktoberfest will take a lot out of us, which we leave for tomorrow. today we're going to do more sightseeing (We're down the street from notre dame today!) and maybe go out for some wine tonight. but we're seasoned vets and know that we have to get in a good nights sleep before hitting those beer tents in munich...i did have a good laugh today when we were trying to find someone not seedy looking to take our picture, so that we knew he wouldn't run off with our camera. rach said "what about the lady with the red purse" and brooke yelled "no!" because she though rachel said the "lady in the head scarf" because we were surrounded by gypsies.
things are going very well...i've realized that i've forgotten a lot of my french, but we can still get by fairly well. dad called me last night when the three of us were in bed early, he said "what are you doing in bed? you should be out taking in paris" which really confuses me, because when he calls and i'm out, he's saying "you go out way too much, this isn't a big beer drinking trip is it?" sigh, there's no please him...
okay, looks like rach wants to entre in a log...
miss you all sooooo much and i love you all lots!
love ju
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