Ok so i'm finally here! The fight wasn't too bad- far too long though. When i get back I'm going to invent a way of blinking and then appearing wherever you want. 13 hours is my longest flight to date and thanfully my longest flight in my tour. Arriving in Singapore was great- the airport is sooooooo big but very well laid out- the staff actually look like they want to help you and i only had to wait about 5 minutes to get my bag- as soon as i headed out of the door i saw my name on a piece of paper held out by the guy picking me up.
Singapore is beautiful. I can't describe how clean and green it is- along the highway as we left the airport the streets were surrounded by leafy green trees, lush grass and beautiful flowers. They certainly work hard at keeping it this way. I've been warned that chewing gum is banned here i think (chey you'd struggle so much!).My hotel is very cool and trendy, lovely receptionist and the although the room is small and extremely basic (no tv/radio or windows) it does the job. Although it is weird having no windows- a bitl ike staying in a cupboard. As i type i'm sat in the 2nd floor chill out room with free internet access, free coffee and tea (not very nice though) and a weird tv programme playing. On the 7th floor is the chill out deck which is stunning- lots of plants and trellises, lounges, tables, chairs and an awesome view of the city at night. I just stood and looked at it for 15minutes. So far i've said hi to a few people but that's about it. GOt a few funny looks when i walked into here- i guess i should have smiled a bit more and said hi but never mind.
Right now it's 8:45pm, and im guessing it's about 3ish where you lot are. I think i'm gonna have an early night- although my body clock is working on english time sleeping upright in a cramped chair did not get me much sleep (very good choice of films though- i watched sex and the city, forest gump, a bit of forgetting sarah marshall and a bit of harry potter). So i think i'm going to turn in. This is weird, i guess i haven't eaten yet but will wait til breakfast now .
Will speak to you all soon no doubt. Take care, loadsa love xxxxx
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