Oh No- Not Again! Has anyone brought their RAC card with them?
We drove for a few hours to get to the Cheetah farm, where they have cheetah's (surprisingly enough) lots of wild ones in big enclosures and 3 tame cheetah's which you can play with. We had been told that we may not be able to get there as all of the rain had flooded lot of the roads but we insisted we try to get there. Everything was going well until we got to a massive puddle, we weren't sure whether the truck would get through but we thought we would give it a go- all was looking good and we were flying though it. We had been told that if everyone stands over the back wheels and jumped up and down it would help- I'm not sure how true this is but it was fun. So there we were jumping up and down, cheering and the truck just slowly ground to a halt… bloody brilliant we were bogged AGAIN! When you looked outside the mud was like Glastonbury mud and the back tyres were a good foot under! John was the first to get out, I took some pictures on the sly I didn't realise at this point I would have top get out there with him. John and Dale tried to dig us out but they were fighting a loosing battle so we all got off and tried to push the big green monster out of the mud! We were all filthy- it didn't work so the family who ran the cheetah farm came with a big digger thing (sorry about the rubbish description) and after about 2 hours and lots of pushing we got out of the mud- it was quite an adventure but I was so relieved when we got out. Check out the video to see John (single-handedly of course) push us out. The truck was just left on the other side of the mud and we had to trek across the mud and stones (oww) with all our gear and the cooking equipment to a pick up truck that took us the rest of the way standing up in the back.
It was John's cooking groups turn to make Spaghetti Bolognese and they did a fine job…well I wouldn't know as we all got a bit merry that night and I ate the veggie version by accident- I didn't even know that when I was eating it (I blame the gin) but Carl had followed me in the queue and ended up having it as well, so he was pretty unimpressed with me. We both made up for it and had the remainders of the meat spag bol for brekkie the next day. We had a wicked night with Sam and Roy but paid for it a lot the next day. In fact during the night as well as I got up out the tent to run to the loo and went the wrong way got lost in the bushes (dont ask) I found myself walking round and round the outside of the cheetah enclosure I thought it was going to end tragically! I eventually got out of the bushes and made it to the toilet and found John, I was so relieved. The next day we got wrong off everyone for being too noisy trying to get to the tent!- Dad and Pat and John I'm sure this will surprise you greatly! I spent the whole of the next morning being hungover, John wasn't too bad- so unfair! When we went to visit the cheetahs I just cowered in the shade while everyone laughed at me. I perked up when we went to see the tame cheetahs and we got to stroke them, they were so beautiful and they purred really loudly. One was licking John loads- he must taste better than the rest of us. There was also this cute little dog there called foxy and the cheetahs were playing with her. Then we had to trek back through the mud (oww) to get to the truck and off we headed to
Spitzkoppe and live German Entertainment Followed by an Extravagant Breakfast.
We bush camped at Spitzkoppe it was in the middle of a park where there are lots of huge rock formations that we climbed up on to watch the sun set and look at the stars. Then we had an amazing (it was my cooking groups turn) bangers, mash and beans around the camp fire. In the morning we went climbing up some massive rocks and watched the sun rise. It was lovely and we had our own live entertainment as a German couple argued very loudly at the bottom of the rock- we didn't know what it was about but it was entertaining. Then we went to look at some bushmen paintings and made tea and chocolate spread sandwiches- yummy!
On the drive to the Cape Cross Seal Colony John and I joined Dale in the cab, we listened to some dodgy 80s tunes on a local radio station and had a nap- poor Dale we were supposed to be there to keep him awake. The seal colony was awesome there were thousands of seals and you could get really close to them, they made really strange noises and just rolled over each other to get to places. There was lots of pups which kept getting knocked down by the tide coming in. We had a picnic here and then drove to Swakopmund.
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