Hey just to let everyone know we made it back home alive and well and are travelling to our relative abodes today. One of us will probably do one last post of our marathon trek to Caracas and hours spent in airports. Thanks for all the messages while we were gone!!
Hi Erika and Hilary, I must congratulate you guys for being so brave and adventurous. We certainly enjoyed reading and viewing your pictures. Well its almost time to get back to BC. I think you will need a week to relax and get back to your normal life. I saved the website so I can always look at the pictures. As a matter of fact, I'll save it on a CD...so I can show my friends. Well adios and a safe trip back home....Bye for now....Adios Amigas!
Hi you two:
Hope you're enjoying your last couple of days on Isla Margarita. Whenver you've been somewhere, and haven't yet posted any photos, I've been going on to GoogleEarth and zooming in on where you are, and clicking on the blue dots to look at other people's photos of the very beaches you are walking upon. So the other day, while vicariously roaming along the coast of Venezuela, I went a little inland to look at Caracas (which I had previously thought to be a coastal city) and found a very large forested mountain between the city and the sea, complete with a cable-car system going up to rather stunning views of the city on one side, and the coastal towns and the Caribbean on the other.
I don't know about your Mom's suggestion of travelling and writing books, Hil. Who'd want to spend time travelling the world when you can do accounting right here in Victoria?
I'll see you some time before this new week is out, I guess. Enjoy the next few days (especially your extended layover in Houston), and come home safely.
Dad / Michael
Wanted to say welcome home to two incredible adventurers!! Okay, I know I'm a couple days early... Moira and I were talking about your trip and we both agreed that it reminded us of the women travellers from the late 18 hundreds(maybe even early 1900s) These women would travel the world by themselves or with another woman adventurer having amazing times.The only men were quite often the local guides. Then they'd come home and write a book to sell and fund their next trip!! With your photos and writing it's not a bad idea at all!Stay safe and take care, love Mom/Barbara
Im so jealous that you got stung by a sting ray Of course you can crash here when you get back and Erika too if shes not heading home right away. Im just not what time Ill be home. Shirley should be off work and may be able to grab you so call her when you land.
See you soon
Damn - I think I just sent a ghost message - that's what happens when you hit the return key!
Did you experience any weather due to Hurrican Dean? My surfer friend tells me the best waves occur when there's an offshore storm.
Looking forward to seeing you soon. Enjoy your last days!
Hey Cynthia! Of course I remember you. Paul and I used to love our visits to your house. I kind of forgot how close/easy it is to get to Trinidad from here. Sadly not enough time for a visit but maybe next time.
I am recovered from my brush with death- just in time to almost get heat stroke. I was literally sitting in that van running through my first aid and the symptoms of heat stroke and what to do. Lovely. nyway getting excited to see everyone at home. Final leg of the journey coming up now!
Hi Yaughts,
I hope you are feeling better, I am so very proud in deed of you two. I love the way yoy take care of each other and rely on each other ....something to do with your upbringing. I gave Auntie Cynthia this site and her and Uncle Mervyn are really enjoying this trip along with the rest of us. I love you both dearly.
Hey you two, First off I hope, Erika is feeling much much better and that it wasn't anything too serious. Hilary love, i'm hoping that all your swimming and walking means that your foot is all back to normal.Not a very nice thing to have happen.(understatement of the year) I'm at the Reading Center right now-- the school air is toxic due to a new finish being put on the gym floor.They're strongly advising nobody go in and I intend to stay away.....far away...
You hav had some interesting bus rides, what with flat tires, demon children and iffy brakes,however it is nice to have friends in high places isn't it? And I'm thinking that in S.A. being friends with the men who have guns is better than not being friends with the men who have guns.
Hil, your beach day sounds wonderful although your mention of speedos brought about a rather nasty flashback! Do you remember a few years back(?) being down at Bigelow with Erika and me?You and Erika were in the water and I was sitting on the beach. And SOMEONE was standing by his boat, RIGHT in front of me wearing a pair of itty bitty black speedos.(Hmm, the itty bitty kinda went without saying.)And then he bent over, butt in my face and it was like a bad accident....you didn't want to look but.....
I have to go guys, someone keeps walking past the computer sighing. Wow, less than a week now! Enjoy the ride, well the tiny bit thats left anyways-sorry-and please stay safe Love Mom/Barbara
Hi Hilary. . . Sounds like you're having quite an adventure down there!!! I'm enjoying the blogs, you gals put so much details in them I can totally picture everything on in my mind!!! Sounds beautiful and scary at the same time. You are both very brave!! We miss you at the office and hope you come home safe & healthy!!
sorry about the spelling.....old age...breath-taking instead of breathe-taking....I know Vanessa will laugh when she reads this.....the sun is scorching here...guess its the same in Venezuela....by the way my neighbour is from Venezuela and she had to pronounce the name of the town for me...we had a good laugh....Vanessa, it's Rosalba...she is still next door...okay...bye for now....enjoy the weather