SO VERY QUICKLY. South America was as amazing as we'd hoped. We loved Bolivia but iwas so scared of going there as i was convinced i'd be kidnapped, and robbed but in the end La Paz was an amazing city and was lots of fun. We met our "group" there and they were all young and good fun too. We did the death road and survived which was an amazing experience. We left for Peru and Lake tititcaca another part of the trip i was dreadng was the home stay but it was just really funny and our family had the cutest little girl called Lavra with rosy cheeks and all dressed up, i have pictures they're gorgeous! We ate more carbs than we though possible in one meal, Peruvians really like their potatoes, rice and bread! Lake T was eautiful and the floating islands were amazing to see too. We loved Cusco, it's a lovely city full of life and colours, it's also ancient. The Inca trail was hard, 3 days of hard going, eaarly mornings but walking through the most stunning scenery made it all so worth it and the archaeo sites were fabulous to see too. Macchu Piccu was everything we hoped it would be but as we've already told many we had to cut the day short as there was a train strike so we had to walk 3hours along the train track to pick up an 8 hour bus journey along a treacherous road winding around a mountain with very steep drops. ANyway we made it back to Cusco by midnight, we'd been up at 4am to catch sunrise but it was misty then all that palava so it was a very long day! We were both mega disappointed about rushing around MP but at least we've been and it was still a highlight. Nextwas COlca Canyon that was ok and Lima which was fun times too but sad saying bye to the Group.
Costa RIca was beautiful in a different way, the plants and wildlife were just so colourful and lush to see. Although it was the rainy season we still managewd to get some sunshine andhad a day horse riding toa waterfall. The ride was fast and thrilling, it was also my birthday so that made it more special. The waterfall was very cool and Ian climbed up the cascade to jump inot the plungepool, suprisingly i didn't for fear of losing my bathing suit!
Anyway here we are in New YOrk and we haven't stepped outside the hotel yet so I'm signing off. 4weeks left, it's flown by but we're looking forward to coming home and seeing everyone and paying some debts.
Later. Lins and Ian. x
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