crap crap crap crap crap summer!!!!!!!!!!! bet you 2 are counting down the days!!!!! vring some sun back with you pleaseeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! see you soon kmac.
now you 2 hopr you are well got your e mail. sat here monday 7th july full of cold with my jacket on as it is pouring down with rain and 14 degrees!!! it is forcast rain for the next 2 months!!! you would think it was october or march I bloody hate this crap country cant believe how much rain we are getting and how cold it is for july. Take my advise dont come home ha ha!! go back to sunny oz lol. see ya
Now then eaw!!!! lins £4000 up last month and £22000 up year to date!!!!! god I am good. Lidle store now owe me £5000 !!!!! and got the contract ot do bib insurance company cars as well.!!! Ps they moved out of the flat yesterday so its empty not doing anything with it at moment it stinks of cat!!! and there electric bill for the last quater was £880 and they neve use electric they said !!!!!!!!!!!!! think I will keep away from this landlord crap! Hope you both aving a good time kmac no WIP no obsolete parts ( Only the ones Ian left me ha ha!!!) see ya
Hi kids peter put the site on to show me the bike ride you went on it looked very hard i bet you had sore bums and glad you made it to the end hope you have a good walk i cant imagine how hard all these things are you are both doing i am sure kieran will let you take it slowly when you get back ha ha i think not anyway i think thats it for now so keep enjoying and take care love you lots mam xxxxxxx
now eor n lins hope your gravity bike ride went ok. you would not get me doing that mate no way!!!!! the weather here in sunny uk is just crap!!!! we have only had about 5 good days this year! its cold and raining all the bloody time sick of it! hope you got good weather see ya kmac
Peter, Mam, Dad
Hi you 2, brilliant photo's, you look terrified on that horse mate!! you were close enough to join in at the rugby. i looked out for you but there were quite a few pissed blokes with their faces painted!!!bit of a culture shock in chile i should imagine but good in a different way i hope.all ok here. cat is turning into a right thug - chasing other cats and caught 2 birds yesterday but she gave them to dad when he held his hand out and they were both allright.take care and hopefully speak soon, love from us.
Hope ur still having loads of fun - I did send u a txt tothanks for card, bracelet and ring but Ruth said you never got it so thanks again - I love it x
Now then you two. Like the pics of New Zealand looks like a fantastic place I think I will get on the property ladder over there looks like a way laid back place to live better than this crap hole!!!!!!!!!! When you get back I am going to New Zealand with Jill ha ha!!!!!! see ya soon kmac
is that eeeeeeeuuuuuugggghhhhhh is that eeeeuuuughhhhhhh is that eeeuuuugggggggggggghhhhh is that eughhhhhhhh is that eeeeeuuuuuugggggghhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats Sarah and Rob from Kieron. Hope Eaw n Lynds ok. weather here is crap yet again one good day then 5 crap ones! think I move to dubia!!!!!!!!! When you going to update! Or is it in WIP ha ha!!!! Kmac
Sarah Cressey
Hi there, I see no one has updated you, we had a baby boy on the 15th May name Harrison David Cressey weighed 8lbs 10 1/2oz. He is 4 weeks old now and he was weighed 2 days ago and he is 9lbs 12oz now.
Cant wait to show him off when you are back.
Hope you are having a good time, take care love sarah and Rob xx
Now then eor n lynds hope you both ok and having a good time!!!! I am going to take a bloody day off when you get back eor!!!!!!!! knackered! Brake rollers still not working 2/1/2 weeks now! what a carry on! Told bosch I want compensation for the delay. We ended up over 5000 down on last may!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no mot did not help. When you sending more pics?????? Weather here is crap!!!!! one nice day then rain all the bloodt time and cloud just like last year. See you soon kmac