Deborah's latest entry
Santa Marta, Colombia
I can't say we really liked it here. the marina was OK and apparently the quality of work here is very good, but one step outside it was filthy. Huge piles of household and restaurant garbage everywhere piled up. It seems the people just chuck it out of their windows - there are big mounds outside all the buildings and all alongside the roa…
Jill McCann Love learning about your travels! Such an adventurous life!! Hope you both are well! 💗💗
re: Barcelona to FranceMark "We had a private tasting for 2 hours booked but it extended to nearly 4..." this is Bordeaux all over again...
re: Sicily and MaltaGina So wrong but probably so delicious
re: Back in Sicily - Epic Pizza FailMark Years ago I knew a guy who would answer ads in the paper for kittens "free to a good home". He'd turn up and ask could he have two? Most people were glad to let him have two - or even three! He would then slit their throats, put them in a crab cage, and catch lobsters. He said it "works a treat". So if you share photos of your lobster lunch we'll all know what's happened...
re: Kumbor, MontenegroMark More bus drama! I had hoped that after Kalamata it wouldn't happen again. Where's the EU when you need them. All their big talk and it seems they can't even get simple things like local bus services to work properly. I'm just about ready to go to Brussels and let them know what I think about all this. Don't they know what's going on? Do they even care?
re: Kravlja, MontenegroLyndie Chris and I would like to say a massive big thank you to Dad and Deb, for giving us this opportunity to spend a month with them on their beautiful home. This was a very new experience for us both and we know a little more about boats now😁 We had a wonderful time and didn’t want to come home. The time just flew by so quickly. Tell Cora and Kikay we are missing their lovely smiles and fantastic food!! Missing you all xxx Lyndie💕
re: Cyclades with Lyndie and Chris 1Mark That WW2 German reconnaissance plane sounds interesting! Why didn't you go down in a home-made submersible? Surely the 6 of you could have thrown one together in a morning?
re: Cyclades with Lyndie and Chris 1Mark I don't know why you're being so mean about concreting, have you ever done it???? It's a tough job, lots of stuff to worry about and get right, and yes it can take years and years, ask my wife.
re: Sea of Marmara and IstanbulMark I must say it's a relief to know you were conservative in your wanderings around the Grand Bazaar, considering all your navigation difficulties over the years. Remember when you were in Spain, and you needed my advice on how to get to Turkey?
re: Home for ChristmasMark This is all very well however I'm not sure that your fascination with toilet waste systems and dentistry is a long-term winner, in terms of building your blog's readership numbers. Perhaps next season more focus on pirates, storms, amphibious assaults, and so on? Hornblower, Aubrey, and Lewrie are popular for a reason, you know.
re: Didim Dec 2022Mark Toilet tank treatment???? Mobile pump-out boat????? What are you not telling us???? (Never mind, don't want to know).
re: Heading back to Didim 1Deb Nautical miles , land lubber.
re: Heading back to Didim 2Mark "It's a pity we didn't realise it was here last winter as it is only 15 nm from Didim" - 15 nanometres isn't very far. New (stronger) spectacles perhaps?
re: Heading back to Didim 2Terry I must admit that I was cracking up at your descriptions of the maintenance on Entre Nous - could fully picture it all. Good luck - if you ever get to motor out of Didim! Still, all that frustration will only make any trips away ever more enjoyable. Keep on keeping on!
re: Didim Haul 2Denise Diane Taylor Just sent you an email Deb. x
re: Samos and back to Didim