Emily's Trip
ok hello!
well the 18th proved pretty uneventful really, cant remember many DETAILS (i lost my pen and didnt really have all that much to say). Basically the day was dedicated mainly to travelling to windhoek where we were dropping off poo and moniquewho were flying out that afternoon from there...
we left etosha fairly early and we decided to have a big group photo outside the gate: what a cheesy touristy "aaaaw" thing to do huh lol!?!?! on our way out of the park we were really lucky in that we happened to see 2 lions :o) 1 male and 1 female. they were just lying in the open ground and because of our very distant slightly disappointing sighting yesterday we were all pretty "yay-i-fied"!!!! so we stopped for a moment while all the click click clicks went on...
nothing very eventful other than the lions really. was a sort of blah blah drive. when we reached windhoek we checked into the 'cori hostel' which seemed very nice, the owner was a lady called reenie who frankly was very very annoying!!! she had this REALLY REALLY ugly dog. it was white and 1 of those pug things with the sharp teeth that point up through its mouth. apparently this dog had stupidly been trained with water bottles and would attack anyone with one!
when gray whent to register us in we dont know what happened; i think the dog mustve thought that grays cast was a water bottle (yeh thats how stupid lol) but he attacked him with gray hopping round in a circle but then he jumped up and tried to bite his balls - it was just lucky that he was a non-athletic short arse or gray wouldve been in trouble going by the size of the bite on his leg! this dog terrorised all of us that night and day we were there - was a right little so and so... lets put it that way!
our rooms however were very nice, had a tv ;o) heehee. i was placed in the room next to the new girl who'd arrived: an american student called mairin - she seems very nice - has just completed her 2nd year of uni part of which she did at university of CT. we all introduced ourselves and then me, andrew and vif went to find the local shopping centre: man it was, how shall i put this, most definitely what i am used to seeing. fair play this mightve been due to the fact that they had major construction work going on. pick and pay (as always) was open though so we popped in and got the essentials and went back home.
there was not much to do when we got back so i watched oceans 12 which was on and then i started getting ready to go out with everyone for a meal at "joe's beerhouse". we set off at 7.30 in our transport and arrived. the place was really nice, lit with candles etc etc. the menu was mostly all sorts of exotic meats... there was a dish called bushmans platter which was a kebab with one piece of chicken one of crocodile one of ostrich one of springbok. i decided that since i'd tried all of them apart from the croc which frankly i wasnt too keen on i'd go for a MASSIVE kudu steak - get your own back moment!!! i really took great pleasure in eating that ;o)!!! my kudu was REALLY good, mai had sebra steak, vif andrew and patrick had bushmans, trond followed my lead with the kudu and gray i cant remember!
we went on to the bar afterwards for like an hour and a half and this is where the story becomes slightly embarrassing :o$. alright so all the boys where OBBIOUSLY drinking beers throughout the night and us girls varied between wine and 'blow job's' (guess which one i got :o$)
when we went to the bar i really cant remember how or more importantly WHY but i managed to polish off 9 shots in 1.5 hours lol.... oops!!! i wont go into it for those parentals and such reading this. it was a really nice night and we were all just chatting away having a right old laugh.
gray organised some transport back at about 11.30 and he later told me that he was quite worried on the way back and had actualy told the driver that if he said stop then stop immediately :oS so i mustve been pretty bad and to be fair it did take me 5 mins to open my door and my up-chuck reflex did kick in but after than NO PROBS!!! WOOO!!! :o$ ooooh dear i'm gonna get some major teasing tomorrow but hey your only out in windhoek once in a lifetime right?!?!
what can you do!?!?!
lots of love to you all...
miss you and cant wait to catch up
m xxxxxxxxx
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