heyyyyyyyy......sounds like your having a great tiimme ! im jealous !!..elephants already! phoowwrr! haha hope the tans starting to arise ! lol all goods here ..did you get my txt the other night?? hope you ddiiddd!
i didnt get your email for some reason hmm maybe because i havnt used my hotmail in like a million years haha . any who speak sooon love youuuuu!!!
Sounds excellent!! Hmmm didn't the girls get shown around by a taxi driver on 'Taken'?
I'm jealous of your great times! More snow here, Manchester runways closed today. None here though! The country has failed miserably to deal with this bit of snow, and its only -2!
Haha trust Dean to get billed for having his photo taken with the snake charmer, you should've guessed!
My trip is off - surprise surprise, ah well maybe next year :-)
Speak soon
Love Dad
Hi Em n Dean! hope your 5 day trip is going well, try not to be sick at the Taj this time Em! you going to Daramsala n mccloud gange after amritsar? love you loads, mum x
Just watched Slumdog Millionaire, and all I can say is - keep away from the slums, and don't go out at night!!
Hi U2 ,
Hope ur OK, snow and more snow here, runways at Heathrow closed, so just as well you got out when you did!
How's the accomodation? Any mod cons? How long you staying in Deli?