great blog dean but didnt you miss out a bit? Re: the 2 bottles of Rice wine and its midnight reappearance lol! 'orrible stuff!
Hiya dean and em its your aunty jane here. Sorry its taken so long to get in touch your dad gave me wrong address! It looks as though your havin a fantastic time. Im so jealous like everyone else! Pics are excellent, me and Halle been lookin. Look forward to seein more! Please take care of yourselves guys.
Love and huggles
jane paul halle liam x x x x x
Aunty Sandy And Uncle Geoff
Hi Em n Dean
Great blogs. Dean should definitely do several more as well as Em. Good to get both perspectives. Wow! talk about life in the raw - great fun eh! You'll have a barrel load of memories when you arrive home. Everyone here is enjoying the experience with you. Have the torches come in handy yet? Wishing lots of dry sunny days for you. Lots of Lovexx
beg to differ Brindle, think Dean looks rather dishy with short hair! Do agree on one thing tho, I'm pretty damn jealous too of their adventures!
hiya guys, hope things are goin well, lovin all the blogs an pics keep them comin, ther makin me nice an jealous, although you do look about 10 with your hair short dean!! keep havin fun gays an ill c u wen ur back!!
Hey guys, just checked out the new blogs - vietnam sounds amazing, and i vote that deanus writes more blogs! we're all missing you here, if u have time would love to see some piccies!
big hugs xXx
Hi Dean and Em,
I've just caught up with your travels and I still can't believe how your taking it all in your stride! Can you imagine Ian being told he would have to spend the night on the floor of the train with the cockroaches ! He'd have had the train up and would have probably been hauled off to prison. Everytime I think of Ian in Asia, I think of the film Midnight Express - I can't see him as a drug runner but I'm sure there's plenty of other ways he would "upset the constabulary". He'd have probably run after the woman in the taxi and demanded a third share of the fare! But I'm glad to see you two are slightly more chilled. Even so, I'm sure there's been plenty of times you've been stressed - just keep seeing the funny side of things. Glad to see you giving Em a rest Dean and contributing ( it's amazing what you can be arsed about when you put your mind to it isn't it )!!Keep up the blogg and the photos - you'll be glad when your an old fogy like me and your memory is fading and you start arguing about all the details such as where were we when I cut off all my hair!
Take care,
Lots of love,
Kath, Ian, Michelle and Andrea.
Rob P
hey :D
glad to see the new blogs are up, the more i read the more jealous i get lol!!
glad to hear that your both having such a good time and well done Em on finally getting dean to write on the blog, about time!!
i look forward to reading the next blog :D
take care Rob xxx
ps. love the new hair dean :P
Goshh! you sound like youre having a fabulous time - ive only just found your blog - Alex mentioned something about it and i thought "i must read this!" It sounds absolutely marvellous :) i shall be checking it most frequently from now on! But I have a question - what are these reiki sessions you're mentioning?xxx
Have a great time in Vietnam, say hi to Ho! More piccies soon please, love Mum n Dad n G'dad n Rocky
Auntie Sandy And Uncle Geoff
Hi Em and Dean. Really enjoying the blogs and piccies. Seems like you are having a wonderful adventure. Bet you are learning a lot about yourselves as well. keep the blogs coming etc. You've grabbed our imagination. Everyone is planning to become hippies and join you out there! Watch out for bedbugs! Keep safe. Love you loads xxx
Hi Em and Dean just read your blog sounds great pics are good also .I like the new make-up very impressive and what has happened to Deans locks . Take care both of you .Love Linda and John XXXX