cant believe we did this so long ago. it was epic i want to go back again.
Aunty Sandy And Uncle Geoff
Hi Em n Dean
Latest piccies are great. You both look like you're enjoying your experiences. Thanks for the postcard. Would love the nose flute if you find one but I'm not sure playing it would be a good idea in hayfever season! XXX
Hi Em an Dean
Looks fantastic, savour every moment! Everyone fine here. Lookin forward to seeing you both soon. Take care.
Love from us all xxx
Hi u 2 pictures are ace like the ones in singapore brought back memories. Hope your bites are healing ? It wont be long now your mum is counting the days.We will see you when we get back and we can catch up.Love Linda & John xxxx
Auntie Sandy
Hi Little Em n Dean
Brilliant piccies of your adventures. Really enjoying your journeys with you. Hate the thought of kipping in the "live" bed- I'm still having shivers up n down my spine. However, to two intrepid adventurers, just a piece of cake! We are both well, Mols n Beau too. Off to N. Wales next week for a welcome break. Good weather forecast so hopefully we can emulate your sunshine and get lots of hill walking in. Hugs n
Hi guys sorry its been so long. Mad busy. Hope ur ok. I cant believe you have been away for so long! kids are fine, liam just cut 2 teeth and Halle just had 5th birthday. Blogs are great and pics. When you gonna pass drivin test so you can come and see me!? Take care and have lots of fun! x x x x x
hey! glad u got to cambodia okay, weather sounds lush - trust me, you'll miss it when you get home! rained persistantly in birmingham for the last 3 days...!
sounds like ur keeping yourselves busy anyways! lots to see :-D plus the occasional (and essential) tastes of home!
hope ur both well
xXx xXx
hey em - loving the blogs these last few days - i read them during my revision breaks :D !
keep them coming, hope u both okay xXx
Hi you two glad to see your having a great time .Mum keeps me informed of your texts .Wish I was there take care of yourselves Love Linda and Johnxxx
Haha get stuffed im ace on the bike. id never been on one before but im good now.
Cool sounds like fun times :D yeah they told me abot that....they didnt send me any eggs though haha.
Hey u2 good to read your blog its sounds amazin. Your dad will be gutted you cant ride a bike! haha Pure chaos in my household now Liam here, he's 5mnth old today and gettin more gorgous everyday. Im totally shattered now theres 2 of em, no more for me! Me and Halle lovin the photos, keep em comin. Your dad and sis came down easter weekend, was good to c em. Well im goin to collapse on sofa now its nearly my bedtime!
Take care
Love and huggles
hey jane no worries good to hear from you. :D:D
n yeah thx for that jenny was trying not to meantion that one haha.