Hi Emmett and Sharlene, Your pictures on the website are fab. What a great experience you both are having its hard to believe that you have done so much, and still are in for more. Will check up again on what you have done and where you have been. Take care love Linda and David Have a Merry Christmas will be thinking of you both.
Faith Bravo
Hello again you two travellers. Last lot of photos looked great, the Nasca lines from the air must have been an awsome sight. Looking forward to the next lot of photos of the Inca Trek(am worn out just thinking about it )
Enjoy yourselves, and take care. with love Faith and Paul xx
Shane & Nicky
Hi Guys,
Fantastic Website!, were enjoying those pics of the amazing places your travelling through. What an experience.
Look forward to keeping up with the rest of your travels, stay safe & enjoy the sights & sounds.
Love Shane & Nicky
Hello guys,
Looks like your having an amazing time I am so excited for you both. Great website, look forward to seeing the next adventures. Enjoy take care for now
TM :)
Russ And The Worthing Bravos
Hi Sharlene and Emmett
Good to catch up with all your travels and Ecuadorian photo album. It looks a fantastic experience although I'm with Emmett on the bridge-jumping experience (ouch)! We're enjoying the cold, rain and cloud of December UK :(
Take care and enjoy your tropical travels
Russ, Jane, Lauren, Tom and Daniel xx
The Bro
I luv the pics (& the witty comments). Keep them coming and have a great time. Looks inspiring and a life changing experience. You both made a great decision. Well done. I'll pop in now and again to see how you are doing. ;->
Kelly Teh
Hi Guys
Looks fantastic so far ! Glad you arrived safely , it must seem like a diff world out there. What are the people like? Hows the spanish going Anyways don t get lost in any jungles and keep me updated!
Hi guys glad you sent me a reminder about your site,cos i'd forgot. hope things are going well,not much to report from this neck of the woods, apart from i managed to end up working behind a bar again. but its not too, bad, little place next door but one from leilas mum and dads, worked most of yesturday and have already picked out a few locals that need a few gental reminders on how to be a customer. will get them sorted mind.
take it easy
Faith And Paul
Hi Em & S,
Great to get your latest postcard, and photos. We almost feel like we are there with you, of course the "Virtual Reality" is best for us, as the bungy ( that Hackett guy has a lot to answer for!) and the tarantulas are not very appealing. The sights look amazing. Its obviously a very full on trip, with plenty of excitment.
Looking forward to the next V R stop. Keep enjoying yourselves, love to you both Faith and Paul xx
From one curly person to another & another.......love your work, glad you are both having a fantastic time & I miss you soooooooooooooo much!!! Cant wait to catch up in May and meet the new curly :o) Thanks for the Jaffas. Take care of each other & remeber to keep an eye open for that tall dark and handsome man that you are going to kidnap for me!! xxxx
Hello you guys, having fun already I bet?! As everyone has already said, what a great idea having this, just make sure you keep us all up to date!!
The wedding is creaping up on us and as usual Helen does not do things by half, we are also moving at the begining of Jan. Micks mum is going to rent Newmarket and pay the mortage!! YEAH so we now need to get out of this rat infested hell hole! (he he) and finally move into our home for the future, Mr and Mrs McDonald!
Anyway enjoy! and post lots of pics!!
Hells, Mick and of course PADDY
Faith And Paul
Hi you two,wonderful to hear you have arrived safe and sound. We tried to text, but it doesn't seem to connect yet. Enjoy yourselves.Looking forward to further updates. Much love Mum and Dad xxx