Sorry for taking so long to update the site with my Europe trip. Being using Facebook more recently, but I will get this up-to-date and continue to do so.
Peace and Lollypops to you all, Em
The Bro
The photo updates are great Em. How many countries have you been to now ... I am guesing about 22+? Great news about the Visa. Congrats. Talk soon.
Hi Darling, I didnt forget your birthday, just Im in hospital, going home in two weeks. love Mum xx
Mark & Aimee
Hey Emmett, Hope you had a good birthday. What did you get up to?
Mark wants to know where you'll be staying back in the UK?? Also, what is the best time of day to call you? Don't want to keep disturbing your beauty sleep!!!
Let us know,
Mark & Aimee :)
eeeeeeyyyyyyyy bro! Hows it?
Thought you were in the process of becoming a buff-ass dude!!
Were dem mussles, exactly? Other than that giant love muscle of course...
Later bro
Book book book bi-gark....
Little old Mr. Ravelli is on his front stoop, barbequeing a chicken on a manual rotisserie. A hippie comes walking along and says, "Hey, man...the music stopped, and your monkey's on fire."
What is the difference between erotic and kinky? Erotic is using a feather... kinky is using the whole chicken.
Eyup! I just wanted to drop you a line to wish you well for the future. Please add me to your mailing list if you would like to keep in touch with us (we would really like that). Em, Ive really enjoyed working with you - its been a real pleasure. And thanks for being a good friend, you've always been there for me - listening to me whingeing like a true 'pom'.
...At last, someone has taken on the job of making an even better woman of me (God help Tracey)...You best make it to our wedding. Well, you take care of yourself. Lots of love from Lu and Tracey. x x
Lu And Tracey
Hello Em,
Thanks for your best wishes. I
The Bro
Happy Birthday Mate!
Your card is in the post (went yesterday so it might take a while). Have a few scoops on us. See you soon.
Nick & Lucia
Hi E, are u coming back to the uk? I heard that you might b going to Aussie - I will be there for xmas with Jo. We are staying with her folks in Sydney and than travelling for a few weeks. Let us know if you are going there.
Diver Dez
Hi Emmett,
I am going to be in New Zealand for two weeks in April to dive the Rainbow Warrior and Poor Knights. Will you be around than? Have you dove there yet? Can you get me a deal on some gear? How is the love life going?