Hi you two, really enjoyed this last lot of photos, especially the salt flats, and the wonderful shots of the sunsets, and the arty shots. What a great lot of memories you are gathering. Hope you continue to enjoy it. Take care of yourselves, much love Mum and Dad xx
Alison & Kevin
Fantastic photos, especially liked the ones of the salt flats, thank you for sharing them with us.
Best wishes for the rest of your trip, Regards Alison & Kevin (Amy's parents)
Nanny White
here i am again and looked at your pics and they are great. hope food better. and will continue enjoying yourselves. catch you soon love nan w xxx
Kath White
Hi sharlene and emmett
hope you enjoyed christmas and had a good new year. and are boyh enjoying your adventures.loved all your pictures. lots of love nan white
Jason & Tamsin Lyons
Hi emmett,sharlene happy new year to you both.Great to see you both having so much fun, keep up the good work
all the best and safe travels for 06 jason ,tamsin, emily, jaimee xx
Lauren + The Other Worthing Bravos
Hi Emmet and Sharlene! Wow, it's been amazing reading about your adventures - makes our Christmas of TV-and-trifle look a little tame by comparison... W'eve just been over at Nanny's tucking into an enormous New Year's Day spread (diet starts tomorrow!). Happy New Year and may 2006 bring even more excitement for you both.
Take care, lots of love
Lauren + family xxx
Tony And Denise
Hi Emmett & Sharlene, just to let you know that we are following your adventures and to send you seasons greetings. Look forward to meeting you Emmett but in the meantime have fun both of you, and all the best for 2006. From a cold and snow covered UK! Tony and D. xx
Dave Sadlier
Just got you mail as I sit here in a cold and dark office, working. There is something wrong with this situation Apart from you travelling with a very pretty girl and having long hair, its just not right!
Anyway enough of the ravings of a bitter old man. I hope you are keeping well Emmett and enjoying yourself, its certainly looks that way. The web site is excellent and your journey inspiring. Keep well and safe.
All the family are well.
Nanny Bravo
Hi Sharlene and Emmett
It's been lovely reading all your messages and seeing the photos from your adventure, wish I was with you but would not be brave enough to do all these exciting things that you've been up to.
We've just had a lovely day here with Russ and family for Christmas. Lots of lovely food and entertainment, and we're just on our way home to Goring very shortly.
Spoke with your mum and dad this morning, Sharlene - they sounded very well and were just going back to Auckland to start packing up ready for the move to the new house. They were happy that you were having such a great time, but of course missing you greatly.
Do take care and don't take too many risks!
lots of love
Nanny xxx
Keep having a great time around the world. I didn't recognise you in the pictures, long hair!!!
Take care. Anita
Mary And Mick And All
Just discovered your web site and wanted to wish you both a happy christmas lots of love mary mick and all xxxxx
Lata And Paresh
Hi Sharlene, just wanted to say Hi from both of us. Looks like your having a wonderful time travelling together. Wish you all the best for the rest of your trip, have a Merry Christmas and enjoy celebrating New Years Eve!
Take care, love Lata & Paresh