hope you have a good festive season, quick question do you remember rich haaker, he was by best man, well he's heading to nz this year for a mates wedding, which i think is in aukland, and he'd like to catch up if your up for it, im not sure when he's over there but if its ok with you i give him your email and you guys can sort it out
Jackie & Will
Happy Christmas Emmett, see you up in the Bay of Islands. Thanks again for your help, everyone said they had a great time. Must do it again soon.
Hi Em, just read your last postcard - when do we get to see your "artist photo's" ;-)
Molly And Simon
Greetings from Dallas Texas!
Simon and I thoroughly enjoyed receiving your well wishes on our wedding day. A sincere thanks to you and all your new friends! We are thrilled to hear you are doing so well and look forward to taking your diving instruction in the near future! Congrats on all your recent accomplishments!
We are only standing still for a few more days here in Dallas and then Simon will be off to San Francisco! The wedding was amazing and the honeymoon even more than we could have dreamt of. I am forwarding you one group of photographs from my friend Ann. Hope you enjoy them. I think you will see many familiar faces. You were greatly missed!
Please keep in touch with us and I'm sure Simon will send his new e-mail upon arriving in San Fran!
All our love,
Simon and Molly
hey bud, a place you should checkout if and when you get onto the south island is the moeraki boulders (i think thats how its splet) they are on the east coast near chrischurc ther's not much there just a beach with these mad round boulders on it
hi matey just wondering where abouts in nz you'll be staying
Hi baby, lwt me know yur new address when you reach New Zealand Love Mum x
Hi Folks, I am still in the US. No internet place allows USB access so all the pics i have taken will have to wait a while. I am in San Diego at the moment melting.
You guys are on wash up today- where are you ?
Hi babe, not long now!!! I've taken a few pics around and about here in Auckland, your soon to be home. Hope you enjoy them. xxx
The Bro
The Postcards section showing how many countries you have visited is cool.
It must be wonderful to see everything you've seen. I will download June's photos and burn everything onto a DVD. What is Sharlene's address and I'll post it to you both so you can have it.
Hey.. great to hear from you! Loved reading your email Emmett what you have been up to... We got an email the other day from Jules.. suprised to hear Sam and Nick got engaged (or maybe not) and that Jess is moving to Manchester to be with him! Oh lordy!
Save travels E and hope to hear from you both soon.x