So arrived in Cusco a few days ago. Managed to completely mess up my connecting flight by going to International Connections for a flight within Peru... error. Ended up spending 16 hours in Lima airport, where there is literally nothing to do. Not ideal. After a very long wait, I managed to meet someone in the airport who was going to the same hostel as me, so that was pretty awesome. Even better was that he could haggle in Spanish, so we managed to get an incredibly cheap airport taxi (2 pound... lovely). The hostel is awesome, it´s party time all the time which suits me perfectly. Unfortunately I broke my record of sobriety and managed to lose all my possessions, including my shoes, a couple of nights ago, only to find them yesterday in another room of the hostel. Random. Changing to the tour hotel today, so fingers crossed (still) that Machu Pichu reopens very soon... or that GAP give me something else to do!
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