So day four and it is Australia day here!! Sunday I went around Kings Park which is very beautiful, although maybe saw a little too much of the sun that day as my face is now slightly frazzled and yes I was wearing high factor suncream. I think during all the walking I had sweat the suncream off my forehead which may have been the problem, but learnt from that now.
So yesterday had a fairly chilled out day, wandered in central perth and sorted all my bank stuff. Then caught the bus up to Noranda to where Adrian lives with Jackson and Sianne. Sianne cooked an absolutely awesome dinner, I am a little worried I may have had the best meal of my whole trip and only a few days in.
Today is Australia day and we (me, Adrian, Sianne and Jackson) are off to one of their friends for a BBQ for the afternoon which should be really nice!!
- comments
martin good Hello Miss Well this is good then I can see the other side of the world through your eyes with out leaving Norway, great. Sounds like you are getting settled and things sorted, well done. Enjoy that sunshine, you may have to think about wearing a hat to save your head, that or stay in the water. Have a goodtime honey Lv Uncle M
Molly Hi Emma Wish i was with you its rubbish here! got evicted from my bed yesterday mother was spring cleaning all my bedding said smelt of dog, had to stay awake nearly all day standing and looking sad, which is hard work you know. Still all is back to normal now, i will soon get it how i like it again. Glad to hear all is going well, my advice for what its worth is ... GET A HAT!!!. Must got lots of sleep to catch up with, and Mable is coming round later for a game, she at Sally and Roberts for the week. Lots of love and cuddles Mol. xxxxx
Arntee Elaine All sounds good too me...what was the awsome meal? I'm with Miss Mollie on the hat thing, she talks good sense ! Hugs XX