The Adventures of Emma
Had an extremely long flight over, on the first plane the guy next to me fell asleep before take off and remained asleep for the entire siz hour journey, so not a particularly chatty journey for me. Then had two hours in Dubai where I was faced with the first ski toilet of my trip....great!! The second flight was far more cramped but I had a good chat with the lady next to me and we ate our way to Perth!!
Checked into the hostel first thing this morning. A group of drunk people rolled into the hostel just as I was checking in and I ended up having a very bizarre conversation with a kinda weird girl! Had a couple of hours nap and now I am out in town to sort all my busines cards, phone, etc. It is extremely hot!!!!
- comments
Adrian Lowe Glad to hear that you have arrived safely, we are missing you already. Saw Sian and Charlotte at Friday circuit they have clearly caught the excercise bug! Say hello to Ady from us. xxx
Nanny & Eddie Good to hear you are safe and sound in Aus. Looking forward to more Blogs Love Nanny & Eddie
Natalie Benwell Glad your all there ok! Wish I was there with you! Can't wait for your net update! xXx
Sally Aitken Glad to hear you are there safely and all went well with journey. It is so exciting and we look forward to hearing more. Sally & Robert
Arntee Elaine Great to hear you are there safe and sound. Not entirely sure what a ski toilet is but I think I can guess ! I have had a quick lesson from your dad on this blogology, seems easy enough but my first attempt got me chucked off the net...whats that all about? Anyway this is only a small box to write in so I guess I am not supposed to say too much. Take care and look forward to reading more from you. Lots of Love from Uncle Trevor, me and the doggie people. XXXXX
Granny Jean Glad to hear you have arrived safely. Have a lovely time and be careful. Lots of Love xxxxxxxxxxxx