The evening of the last day we went to get a snack of chips, garlic bread and coke (part of our enriched diet!) and then met the rest of our group to have a last meal together at a mexican restaurant, where we then had full meals of chicken salsa´s, wraps and pisco sours (trekking can you hungry!). Lottie then had a minor panic about how swolen her feet were and how bad her bites were, so we rushed off to the local pharmacy to get some much needed anti-inflamitory cream and anti-histamines.
Panic over and time to feed again! We then went to another cafe and ate pancakes and drank a fair amount of sangria to ease our aches and pains, and to celebrate and reminice about our achievements of the week.
Once the last day was over, it was time for the 5 of us to gather ourselves together and return to cusco, so we jumped on a train. As we were just beginning to relax, the sound of abba blasted out the speakers of the train and a strange Peruvian man appeared dressed head to toe in colourful clothes and a white balaclava type mask and started dancing up and down the aisle whilt stroking a limp, fluffy lama can imagine our confusion and surprise! Was it a dream? had the exhaustion of the trek deluded our minds?.....
Nope.. it was a national celebration of the 15th July called the ´Virgen del Carmen´. After the little performance by the Peruvian man, 2 of the staff of the train did a fashion show up and down the aisle in many different alpaca outfits, which was equally funny due to their characters..a woman who thought she was a goddess and a very ´geeky´looking man!
So, after a strange but interesting train journey and another bus, we finally reached cusco, and the hostal we were all staying in. Maybe your thinking, "aarrr so they got an early night to recover", but no!..we dumped our stuff and left in search of a bar for relaxation. As soon as we walked through the doors of the bar, who did we spot?..only muhammed! who we had previously met in the hostel in lima. so we joined him and some irish guys who he had met for a couple of drinks, then ended up in a club in cusco! we had a brilliant time; dancing, chatting and laughing. be continued. time to get some food! bye for now..lottie xxxx
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