After our disasterous bus journey we didn´t really think there was anything else that could happen to us on this trip but we didn´t realise what the Salkantay Trek was ready to throw at us.
It all started on the morning of the 10th. We were woken us at 4am by a Peruvian guy demanding payment for the room and trying to order us a taxi. We were waiting to be picked up by our tour guide so we didn´t need a taxi but this guy just wouldn´t let it go. Next thing we know were all packed a waiting outside in the feezing cold for our tour bus. After a few minutes waiting we started to worry that they´d forgotten us but we knew that our friend from the other hopstel, Dana and Leandra, would make sure they came for us.
After about 10 minutes the tour bus finally turned up so we threw all our stuff in the back and jumped in. We started to wonder what was going on when the bus headed for the center of Cusco rather than towards our friend hostel. Turned out this guy was looking for two girls named Anna and Nicole and didn´t find it odd that we were three girls named Kella Emma and Lottie?!?! We promtly left that bus and made our own way to our friends hostel. Only to find out that they had gone to find us. Needless to say we eventually found each other and found our bus that was taking us to the village where we started our trek!
We arrived in the town of Mollepata dressed head to toe in our warmest clothes because we´d bee told it would be freezing. Turns out it was one of the hottest days we´ve experienced whilst in Peru. The three of us were hardly the fittest epople you´ve ever met and by the time we´d climbed the first hill we were all sweaty, out of breath and covered in dust. If it wasn´t got our trusty walking sticks I don´t even think we would have made it that far. The first day was a 7 hour trek up hill in a mean heat. We were at high altitude and this made us all headachy. I didn´t really think much of altitude sickness but we´d been warned that it was nasty and unforgiving and they weren´t wrong. About two hours into the trek I completely lost my breath to the point where i was gasping for air. Thankfully Rosel our guide had a cool trick with rubbing alcohol which meant i was able to breathe better and he even offered to carry my bag. Sweet! The trek was long and hard and although the views were amazing we were all struggling to apprciate the scenery given our low mood. We arrived at camp at 5.30 as the weather took a nasty chilling turn which meant we had to wrap ourselves up in our Alpaca knits that we´d bought from a local Peruvian market in Cusco. We ate a basic but filling dinner feeling sore and miserable and headed to bed hoping we´d feel refreshed in the morning.
The second day started well. Everyone was a lot more positive about what they´d acheived the previous day and was looking forward to the days walk even though it was supposed to be hardest than day one! We woke up at 5 in the morning with coco tea which was a nice surprise and then we wrapped up and headed for breakfast.
We decided to make an action plan. We were at Soraypampa which was the highest and coldest of the camps so we knew that the end of the second day we´d be warmer and happier. Morale was high and we decided to walk slow, enjoy the scenery and take lots of pictures. The first half of the day was all uphill but it turned out to be easier than the pevious dya because we were so happy. We chatted and sang and generally messed around and by the time we reached the top of the mountain we were so excited! Reaching 4650 altitude wasd such a great acievement. I think we would all agree that it was one of our proudest moments. It was challenging and hard and I really was worried at times that we wouldn´t complete it but getting to that high point was euphoric! Lottie in particular was suffering from blisters so the fact that she made it to the top was particularly special given the severity of the trek!
During our 5 days treking we must have passed through every terrine possible. The first day was hot and dusty, the second was wet and we were walking towards the snow capped mountains, the third was tropical and jungle like and the fourth resembled something you might see in England. Very green!
The camps were basic and sometimes the toilets were nothing more than holes in the ground but that was just another interesting experience! On the thrid night of camping we headed to Hot Springs 20 minutes outside of Santa Theresa. These are naturally heated pools after 3 days of mud, no showers and aching muscles it was the ideal medicine.
On the fourth day we trekked in the morning and then took a train to Aguas Calientes a man made town a the base of Macchu Picchu. Kella and I spoiled ourselves by getting Inka Massages to sort ouy aches and pains and got told off by the massuse for talking. We had dinner with our group and headed to bed because we had to get up at four in the morning to go to Macchu Picchu. That night we stayed in actual beds! After three days of camping I dont think the three of us have ever been so happy to see beds!
That morning we woke up and headed to the nearby bus station to catch the bus up to Macchu Picchu. Even at that time people were trekking up the mountain to be there for sunrise. Thankfully we caught the bus.
I´ve always thought that I´d be disappointed by Macchu Picchu (old rock/mountain). Ruins are ruins but the history surrounding the Incas is fantastic and Macchu Picchu did not disappoint. It is huge and so well build that when there was an earthquake in Peru in the 50´s hardly any of their building were destroyed. Sadly due to the amount of visiotrs it is sinking by centimeters each year and as one of the New Wonders of the World the increase in tourism means that Peru is slowly losing one of its most iconic landmarks.
This trek is one of the best things we´ve ever done and dodgy tan lies aside one of the most fanststic experiences of my life so far. Its hard to explain just how hard we really worked but I´m so proud of the three of us for completing it and will probably hit the gym for a few months before I plan anymore trekking expeditions.
I´ve probably missed tons out but Lottie and Kella can add their own stories to this. We have so many photos to put up as soon as we get a chance! Keep in touch through our message page.
Emma xxx
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