Off to Canada next week, so I will be away when you get back, but enjoy the last couple of dayz on the road.
Miss You.
Cora & Brian
Hi there Emma & Jona,
Not sure if ye are home yet but of ye are hope yer not too depressed!? We arrived home just over a week ago and man what a come down after the last 6 mths on the road....we'd go again in the morning, had a fab trip! I'm sure ye continued having a blast too after Queenstown....hope all goes well when ye get home!
Take Care
Cora & Brian
Steve Street
Hey peeps,
Hope you're still having a good time, I'll bet that sulphur ponged. Looking forward to seeing you when you get back.
Come on Liverpool!
Rich Codgbrook
Enjoy the rugger!
Spring has sprung over here, so things are looking up!
See you soon.
R xx
Hello you b*****s !!!!
It all looks amazing and fantastic, I bet you are looking forward to seeing Tor and Mark so have lots of fun. Hope the 7's are good in Hong Kong if that is still the plan punch Rob for me and get ready to be very very very drunk.
Adios Amigo's
Sean Stewart
Hi to you both,
I've just finished reading your latest blog entry and am too jealous for words!
With just weeks to go you must cram in as much as you can; soak up the memories and take as many photo's as you can - they'll be a constant reminder of all the great things you've done.
Looking out of my office window and wishing I was eating satay at road-side stall!
Hope to see you when you get back.
Sean Stewart
Hey happy travellers! Can't beleive it's been almost 5 months since I saw you in Argy! Time flies. Apologies for the lack of emails.Will get onto it soon! Enjoyevery minute of your last few weeks xxxx
Hi you 2,
Haven't posted you a message in a while, but your blog/photo's/video's look great. Really happy Em isn't looking at Kia or dealers models any more.
Glad to hear all is going well, and hope to hear from you soon.
Keep enjoying.
Hi Em,
Hope your both OK, speak soon
Steve :-)
Hi Guys,
Great to see you both in Sydney - its very hard to be back in the chilly UK! Memories of the BBQ's on the beach, bridge climb, QE2 and sumit tower will remain with me for a vey long time....
Enjoy your time in Singapore and look forward to catching up in May.
Keep safe - Rich
Where are you haven't heard for ages Are you away from the F islands yet? Weather in UK is very Winter and we are so looking forward to Spring here. But ok you will be missing that and will enjoy summer when you return. Love to you both