HAPPY CHRISTMAS Love you both have a good flight to NZ lots and lots of love Mumxxxx
Tor And Mark
No Chritsmas cheer with you both this year - boo hoo. I shall do my best to get drunk without you both and eat all the stilton....I might challenge Mark to the profiterole game and see if he can beat your record Jona...
Anyhow - have fun on the plane and have a great time in NZ. Speak soon - wahoo!!!
Love to you both you travelling scamps you
Hi guys
Hope you both well your travels sound amazing xx
have a fabulous christmas in the sunshine or the air I think you lucky things think of us in the cold (and I'm working yuk bloody sick people)
big hugs and kisses
take care of each other
Love you loads Hannah xxx
Jenny & Gordon
What a fantastic time you two are having. We have so much enjoyed your photos & videos - not so sure about "down on the farm" though. Have a wonderful Christmas away from it all. Our plans for the big day are a bit in the air too! Much love xx
What a wonderful time you are having,somuch fun meeting up with Sharon. It.s nearlyChristmas here and have to go out and do alll that awful shopping. Aren't you lucky to miss that this year!love you both Mumxxxx
I have found Quilmes in brighton which has made my day alot better.
Hi kids, I just realised why I haven't had an email of you for a while. Had no idea you have been writing your Blog on this web site. I've been looking at the photos on a regular basis which is much more my style!
We had Shazza to stay this weekend so had a great catch up with all her news and yours. 6 months have gone fast here so I guess you guys cant belive you are over half way (assuming you are still planning of coming back to see your old mates at some stage!). I 'll make an effort to read up on your travels now I know its there, got the impression that Argentina aint the high point of S. America it is supposed to be?
Anyway keep having fun and if I dont write before have a wicked Christmas.
Wig (and EM)x
Merry Christmas you two! The weather here is pants (windy and wet .. now there's a change). Not jealous at all that you are still off travelling, I may just have to go and book another trip instead of finding a job. Have a really good christmas and new year and have a drink for me.
Love the Blog.....and the photos! I miss eating steak every day and feel like a Quilmes at 11am most days!
"I ask you what the hell went wrong, doing drinking in BA at 29?" ;-)
Love ya!
Shazza x
Hola 3 amigos.
I can tell you've been having way to much fun seeing as you haven't updated your blog in nearly a month and ther's been no new phots for a few wks. Getting slack aren't ya!
Teaching is still going v.well. infact, "IT'S BRILLIANT!" But it's not getting any less tiring and the kids are still....um, how can i put it politely....shall we say "very challening and love to test my patience" but all good.
Stu says "hi and that he loves your photos".
We´ve all got the meat sweats.....I´ve never eaten so much cow in my life.....mmmmmmmmmmmmm. It´s hot and we´re off to Brazil tomorrow.....FERNET is WRONG!!!!!
Why is it that the longest blog recently was the one that talked about wine???
Hope you are (still - getting a bit sick of hearing it...) having a lovely time and that Iguassu gives you some rainbows... Love to you all... and try some capoeira when your in Brazil for me!