Today we spent the day temple trekking, it was really good but soo sweaty!! After 2 seconds of walking we were sticky n hot! YUM! aha. OUr first stop was Ta Prohm the set of tomb raider! it was much bigger than we thought but a sight to behold! As we walked around we came across a tree that a girl was inside! we decided to follow suit and get sean inside until... he stuck his head in and saw a scorpion!! He then freaked out and refused to go inside! :) After some more photos and climibing we decided to head on to the elephant terrace.
The terrace was a long stretch of ruin in a big open rural area of Cambodia, very scenic and was a great walk, the ruins are pretty and we also came across a smaller temple along the way! We dont know what it was called but it looked very nice, we stopped for a rest and watched 4 guys fishing in a stagnant pond! Scary stuff but they managed to catch a snake!
We continued walking until we got to Bayon, the temple with the faces and found it really peaceful. It was quite a climb to the top but we managed it in the heat and were greated with the sight of happy faces in the stone! It was a very pleasant temple and a good sight to see!
Next was the biggest of them all! Angkor Wat! We wanted to see the sunset whle we were there so we headed for a drink first. We were amazed by how big it was and again thought it was peaceful and big! We entered the temple and started to walk around it, when we came across a whole load of monkeys!! First one came right up close to some food that was on a wall and we were quite excited! But then a mum and her very small baby came trotting up the stairs and casually sat next to us! The baby seemed very curious and we got some wiked photos! We eventually moved on and carried on exploring the sight. Our next great photo oppourtunity was when we saw THE most BEAUTIFUL child ever!!!! He was around 2 years old and the cutest thing ever! We treid to get a few sneaky photos but they werent great, then after a few mins walk he came aorund th corner and straight towards us, he looked at us and we waved, he waved back and smiled! His mum then said something to him and he blew us a kiss!!!! I just melted!! I aksed if we could take a photo and she just handed him over to me!! :) So i was happy then aha
Sadly as we started to head out of the inside of the temple it started to get quite dark and thunder which meant our sunset was robbed from us! :( BIt gutted as we had waited for it but still had a great experince at the temple!
For dinner we headed to Pub street and found Temple club which served food and cocktails! Perfect! We stayed and had a few drinks meaning we got a free t-shirt! WOOP! and listened to some songs of yester year! a good end to a very good day!
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