Amey and Emma's Gap Year!
Hi Everyone!!
We are now in Christchurch for 2 days, we are leaving for Kaikoura on Saturday morning - 7.30am!
Decided to stay an extra night in Ch.Ch as we aren't really in any rush and it is really nice here, not what we expected.
News to date is that we all did the Luge in Queenstown which was so much fun!! Basically, you get a gondola to the top of the mountain then a chairlift and then you get in a go-cart type thing and come all the way back down again really fast down a race track!!! Best thing ever and only cost us $36!! (About 12 pounds) which makes it the cheapest activity so far and the funniest!
On the first run Emma went first, Amey second and Milly last and the whole way down Amey was just laughing hysterically at how funny Emma looked on the luge, and Milly was doing exactly the same about Amey....eventually we laughed so much we couldn't see anymore and we all crashed on a right turn because we thought it was a left turn! Oops! Definately recommend anyone who jsut happens to be in Queenstown to go on the Luge track, so funny!
Also, on Wednesday we went "Mad Dog River Boarding" which was classic, basically you go down the Kawarau River, same bit as the White Water Rafters do but instead of being in a nice safe inflatable boat all you have is a body boards and a pair of flippers!!!! Madness!
Was complete chaos, like 4 guides for about 50 people all getting whipped around by the rapids and thrown all over the place, the only tip they gave us is "Don't ever stop kicking and watch out for the rocks" so that was encouraging!
You go down the river for 7km in full, 5km of which is all rapids! So you can imagine how tiring it was.....Emma and Milly both crashed into the rocks when a particularly big wave got them and the instructor just waved and sailed on past which was nice! Let them fend for themselves and all that, also he was French and didn't really speak English as such, he didn't even know the word for rapid!!!!!
Meanwhile Amey, who was further down the river, got the worst cramp known to man during the biggest set of rapids and had to choose between rocks or drowning! Chose drowning and just stopped kicking, clung onto her board and went under!!
But it was ok, all prevailed!!
After the 5km of rapids there was 2km of calm water but they wouldn;t let us just float happily down, recovereing from the trauma, no...then it was time for the jetski!
One of the guys got on the jetski and went round picking people up one at a time, they got on the tray thing at the back then he tore off up and down the river trying to make them fall off - awesome!! Milly got 2 rides, Amey one and Emma decided against it - very sensible! Although neither Ames or Mills fell off.
Then we got to another part of the river where we got out of the water and there was a wild water slide which was bulit into the rock face and went into the river, you had to go down on your bodyboard and it went so fast that when you hit the water you just skimmed across it all the way to the other side if the river! Then the jetski picked you up.
There was also a rope swing which Amey and Milly, who were feeling adventurous after their close encouter with death, decided to do, wishing they hadn't once they got up on the platform!! As you can imagine it was a huge swing out over the water where you then let go and hit the water like a stone! Amey landed face first and swears that the water pucnhed her in the mouth!! Metaphorically of course!
So all in all Queenstown was a very adventurous and wicked place to be, we did 5 days there which was the perfect amount of time and now we are going punting in Christchurch, hope you are all well. Love you all lots, missing you!
Love Amey, Emma and Milly!!! xxxxxxxxx
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