Amey and Emma's Gap Year!
Hi Everyone!!
Sorry about the change in website....bloody technology!!
Things are all good, we have now reached Queenstown and will be here for the next 5 days - yay!
Yesterday Amey did a tandem bungy jump over the Kawarau River!! It was terrifying! She had to do it with the bus driver of the Kiwi Experience bus that we are on as neither Milly nor Emma would do it with her! His name is Kozi and he's done like 40 jumps so actually it was a blessing in disguise because Amey got so scared that she was crying on the bridge before jumping so he actually jumped and, of course, being tied to him, Amey had to follow!!
The screaming didn't kick in until half way through the second bounce as the fear made Amey freeze but once the screaming started it didn't stop!!!! Oops, poor Kozi! Milly filmed the whole jump so you can all have a good laugh at it!
Last night the whole group from the bus (50 of us i think!) went out in Queenstown to a bar called "The World Bar" and it was great fun...happy hour on "Teapots" was 10.30 - 11.30pm so it was a hilarious evening. Basically the teapot drinks are just a teapot with lots of spirits and a tiny bit of mixer in them! We were sharing them and the nicest by far was one called Brain Eraser whcih consisted of Baileys, Kahlua, Amaretto, Triple Sec and Milk!! Yummy, it didnt take long for us to abandon the shot glasses and just drink them straight from the spout (as you can see in the pics!) It was good fun though...Queenstown is a great place, full of young!
No other news as such at the moment but i will get the photos of the last fews days up a.s.a.p.
Love to you all Amey, Emma and Milly xxxxxxxxxx
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