hey guess what! i had a scooter accident yesterday! we were going down a dirt track with lodsa cuts in the road and i lost control and fell and the bike landed on me and i cut all my ankle and leg and stuff and we took some pics (as you do) lol and soooo many thai people helped it was really nice!
mind you the day didnt get off to a good start any way. we me, lau, tim, ed, sam and kris went to hire scooters......lau drove her scooter into a line of others and knocked them all down hahahaaaa so the guys trying to get her to pay 1000 baht but we're gonna run off i think!
oooo we found an english pub called the masons arms and omd did it do theeee best cheese salad sarnies or what!!!
yeh so then my accident happened and we drove to a motorbike repair shop and then i went to turn the bike and it revved and fell on top of me again but on the other side. that one twisted my ankle up a bit and grazed my other hand and knee lol it was sooooo funny! so then chirs gave me a lift back and i held on for dear life!
then went off to the doctors and OMG iv never been in so much pain!!! he poked and scrubbed at my wounds and JESUS i cried!!
in the night then me and lau went out with the boys (we bumped into people we met in oz so theres been me, lau, dave, chris, ed, tim, sam and lucy) and went to a cross dressing pool party where we dressed up bilo (chris) as a lass and we got there and he was the only one hahahaaaaaaaa it wasa right laugh and packed and we bumped into some other girl we knew! yeh so daves left us for 5days and we're meeting him in bangkok which is cool...
yeh so there we go lol. oh yeh...i had to pay a hundred odd quid for bike repairs :S byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee xxxxxxxxxxxxxx lol xxx
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