Hi to all
Well today may be the saddest day of our trip as we say good bye to our beloved Ramjet. It turns out that when you live in a car for 5 weeks you become strangely attached to it and me and Em are now starting to worry about his welfare when we dump him in Melbourne. We do however feel that he is going on to bigger and better places and hopefully heading back to the sun as he is a Queensland boy at heart!!
had a fantastic week in Melbourne - can't really remember where we had to got up to when I last posted but think we had just arrived.
Spent a couple of days driving the Great Ocean Road (piccie above) and had sun for most of it. The road is literally the sea on one side and cliffs on the other and there were some great look out points. We went to see the 12 apsotles at sunset which are 12 rock formations jutting out of the sea and then had fish and chips on the beach (turns out not quite the same as at home, definitely out of a packet) We even dragged our selves up to watch them at sunrise!
Spent the last few days in Melbourne touring around and discovering the wonder that is Queen Victoria Market - it was absolutely huge and had endless amoutns of Australian crap so people should start preparing them selves now!! :) Went to the museum, found out we had to pay and it was all very educational so we used the loo and left! We did however go and see James Cooks house which has been transported over here from Yorkshire and re-constructed! There was a tape playing throughout the house with people speaking to each on other in Yorkshire accents that would have made you die - to be honest to us it just loooked like a cottage but guess it's pretty quaint out here!
We foudn Ramsey Street yesterday - which dissapointgly is actually called Pinaok Court is a very small cul de sac where people actually live. trying to be very discreet (despite our bright orange van) we crep into the street to take pictures only to disovcer they have a 24 hour security guard who hopped out of his car and started heading for us so being the adults that we are we decided the best course of action was just to run away!!
Tonight, to try and repair our broken hearts we are heading to the OFFICIAL NEIHGBOURS TRIVIA NIGHT, oh yes you heard me right! Here we will combine the great joys of a pub, a quiz and A list celebrities - namely Libby and Karl Kennedy, Elle and Paul Robinson and Steve Parker (who to be honest I am not counting because what is the point of that family anyway?!)
Flying to Sydney tomorrow and hopefully meeting up with Elise again who is going to show us the sights so will let you know how that goes next week!
Love to everyone and a special shout out to 2 of my favourite people who will soon be Mr and Mrs ward - scary thought!! xxx
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