Just a quick update before the train leaves. Yet another day of walking, walking and more walking! Today for a change we walked into the northern part of Moscow to check out a park ekaterininskiy garden, which was very nice when we found the larger part of it :P then we headed south again to try and find the bolshoy theatre, it didn't take very long and can't figure out how we missed it in the first place! Then another stop at the red square, but the scaffolding was still up!!! Some 16year old boys tried to chat us up by offering to go to a bar and drink Russian vodka, we politely declined. Had a look at the first English embassy in Russia and the old English court. The cathedral of christ the saviour was very very beautiful, but we didn't have a look inside. Went past a huge statue of Peter the great on the way to Gorky park where we had some Russian wok and a look around. Took the metro back so now were gonna get our large backpacks and got to yaroslavsky train station!! Bye for now :)
- comments
Mormor Oh, vad mycket ni ser! Ha det bra! Kram
barbara woon looks cold I thought they would have snow exciting to be catching train, I have read about all those places youv;e visited take care lovexxx
elisa Hey, I just read in the paper that UD is advicing people not to go to Bangkok right now because of the floods: "Med anledning av situationen som råder i Bangkok och 26 provinser som följd av översvämningarna som drabbat landet, avråder Utrikesdepartementet tillsvidare från icke nödvändiga resor till Bangkok och till några provinser i landet. Avrådan gäller inte transit på Suvarnabhumi flygplats för vidare resa till andra destinationer i Thailand eller för internationella resmål."