We arrived in Brisbane at about 1am, 40mins ahead of schedule! Again we had to take a taxi, but we got to our hostel fine, had a nice driver who took us around the block once cause some drunks were hanging around outside. We were really tired and the guy in the reception looked it too. Got our sheets and keys and snuck into our dorm and went straight to sleep!
We slept half the day away but it was worth it. Got up at about 11am, talked to some people in the dorm then went in search of breakfast. We bought a loaf of bread, a packet of salami and a drink each from 7eleven. Yummy!
We went for a walk down in inercity, really nice. We even heard a children's choir sing Christmas songs!
At the end of the streets was a botanic garden that was really nice, we saw new types of lizards and parrots sitting so colourful in the trees.
We crossed the river by a bridge and came to the worlds only beach that lays in the city. Very odd to see a beach in a biiiig city, but very relaxing!
We had a look around and then went home for a powernap, wellneeded! Our next plan was to get something to eat, and we did. But we also ran in to a cinema so we thought " hey, why don't see the new twilight movie Breaking Dawn"? Said and done! Really nice movie exept Krista got food poisoning again, so she ran away to the bathroom at the end of the movie. Poor girl! Then we went straight home and went to bed.
- comments
Mum I suggest you go back to cup a soup and noodles!!
Simon Now I just have to ask this question! Why is always Krista the one who get food poisoned and not you Emelie? Aren't you eating the same kind of food? :P
Emelie Krista är ingen svensk Viking!!!