Ok, so we ended up partying last night anyway, which was fun. We bought a small bottle of rum and a bottle of coke to start the night off, then headed for sama-sama to watch the live band. We were lucky, a girl that sings at another place sang some songs for us, and she is really amazing!! There's a video of her uploaded on Kristas YouTube channel "kristachittem".
Free breakfast today, so omelette and fruit salad to start the day off! We checked out and went to catch the boat to Gili Meno, unfortunately for us we'd missed the boat by half an hour and the next boat didn't leave until 4pm!!
What a pain, it's a good job we met Gary on the way so we could leave our big backpacks in his room. Then we met up with lovisa and Sara for a few hours of sun on the beach. Can't complain really!
Wifi and lunch at egoïste, then crazily enough Krista met a girl from ulricehamn on the way back to the beach, Unbelievable!
It was finally time to get on the boat to Gili air, we said goodbye and took the 25min boat ride over. It's a really nice island. Even though it tipped it down on us and thundered a lot. Were staying in a nice bungalow and had a sunset walk along the beach.
Now were just having a pensioners evening doing some crossword puzzles and catching up our diaries. It's only 9pm, but time for us to sleep, yawn!
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